Chapter 6: Meeting old and new faces

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It was hard for (Y/N) to go back to normal, they knew that the cookies would eventually come back but when is the biggest question. Minutes felt like hours during the school day since (Y/N) was itching to head back home and see if the cookies were there waiting for them.

But unfortunately the wait would have to be longer because instead of heading straight home, they had one other stop to go to.

Meanwhile in a cottage deep in the woods~~~~~

The same witched from before grumbled as she frantically cleaned all the while her sister was still reading her book.

"Octavia! The least you could do is pick up your broom!"

Octavia sighed, "And Why are you cleaning so intensely, Lucinda?"

Lucinda stopped her cleaning to turn and rubbed her head, "What is today?"




"SWEET MOTHER OF THE MOON!" Octavia shouted, throwing her book into the air. She then ran down to the living room area which was where a large black cauldron was with green water bubbling in it. You know, typical Witch stuff.

Octavia began to recite spell after spell in order to change the typical witch lounge into a living room, while her sister Lucinda began to remove all the curses and potions that they held on there shelves.

Now why were these two cleaning so frantically, well to understand that we will have to go back.
It all started when (Y/N) was merrily a child. One day, as the 7 year old was venturing through the woods they came across a small cottage in the woods, where two witch sisters resided.

Upon discovering the cottage, they knocked at the door to greet the two women. Upon realizing that there was a human at the front door, the women changed their appearances to resemble that of human old ladies  and not witches in hats and cloaks.

Now while the two witches could have simply cast a spell to make the child forget they ever saw them and leave the part of the forest they were in. Unfortunately, they felt too guilty about doing this to a mere child and let the 7 year old go on there merry way. They may be witches but hey even they have there limits.

So when the child kept on returning, it kind of became a tradition for the three, that every Monday (Y/N) would come to visit them and give them a treat. Every Monday it was something different but this particular Monday it was simply bread. At first the witches were annoyed by the child's visits but overtime these visits started to become normal and the witches were even looking forward to meeting the child. But because they had to keep themselves a secret, the two women would have to change not only their appearance but the entire house to make it look like to elderly sisters lived there and not two witches.

As the witches were finishing up, making there house look somewhat normal. They heard a knock.

"Ms. Lucinda. Ms. Octavia I'm here."

The two quickly changed there apparent before opening the door to greet the (Y/A) year old.

"Hello. My dear!" Lucinda exclaimed, much different from the attitude she was giving her sister.

"I have brought bread today. Fresh from the bakery by my house." (Y/N) giggled.

"Oh thank you so much dear. How about we share this with us while I make you (F/D)." Octavia said, wrapping her around around (Y/N)'s arm.

"Oh I'm sorry I can't today!" (Y/N) said, taking their arm out of the women's grasp.

"Oh and why not?" Lucinda asked.

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