Chapter 45: Calm waters

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"HAVE A SHROOMIE!" a small voice shouted, one that (Y/N) knew all too well.

Pitaya cookie's attention quickly turned to see who suddenly shouted but instead they got hit in the snout by a small little object. Due to the higher they currently stood at, the object took a bit of time to fall and land on the ground. So while free falling Pitaya was able to get a good look at what had hit them.

One singular small purple mushroom had hit them.

Pitaya cookie came to that realization and burst out into laughter.

"A mushroom! This tiny little thing is supposed to stop a dragon as powerful as me?" Pitaya continued their laughter all the while the mushroom continued to fall. But seeing as the was not an ordinary mushroom. It didn't take long for the laughter to turn into panic.

like the ticking of a bomb, eventually the clock struck zero and the mushroom began to shake before eventually exploding into a purple poisonous cloud. This took the dragon warrior by surprise but before they could react the poison cloud had flowed towards their face, where they were forced to breathe in the toxic fumes.

Pitaya cookie began to cough, "What is this? What is that horrible smell?! Why am"

The dragon could barely keep their eyes open as their whole body began to sway.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" (Y/N) shouted, pointing towards an opening. Tighnari growled before sprinting out of the way. Just in time for Pitaya cookie to finally succumb to the toxic gas and knock out. Plopping down with a giant thud, the ground shook at the giant mass falling down. Even all the cookies were temporarily lifted off the ground at the dragon who was now snoring and sleeping like a baby.

(Y/N) couldn't help but find the dragons sleeping state comical. Going from this fearsome beast to now a giant child.

"Wow... that was awesome!" Custard Cream shouted with glee meanwhile Snapdragon also celebrated with glee. (Y/N) would have also joined the theatrics if not for the familiar cookie coming out of the forest with the two others accompanying him.

"Poison Mushroom cookie!" (Y/N) squealed jumping off their pet and running towards the child. Poison Mushroom turned at the sound of his friends voice. He had his arms out and ready to reach them with glee until he saw the form he took.

Even Wizard cookie and Dark Choco were surprised by the form.

"This must be what the spell that Pomegranate cookie cast on (Y/N)." Wizard cookie pointed out gesturing towards the giant spikes that were protruding from their body.

(Y/N) took note and tried to hide their arms behind them, as if that was going to hide the spikes that were very much visible. But while panicking they quickly took note of Wizard cookies words.

"So she did do something to make me turn into this." (Y/N) turned toward poison mushroom, "Do you know anything about this buddy?" 

The mushroom child shook his head, making (Y/N) sigh before a familiar feeling once again took for making (Y/N) lose control, "HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW! YOU LITERALLY WORK FOR THE DARK COOKIES!!!" They shouted both eyes turning back to their dark emerald. Their spikes getting larger.

Poison Mushroom cookie flinched at the sudden shouting. (Y/N) temper quickly dissipated as they realized what they had done. They slapped their hands over their mouth as they took giant steps away from the child cookie.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please I didn't mean..."

"What's going on?" Pure Vanilla cookie asked making his way towards the group. Like most cookies he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the sudden earthquake followed by a dragon bursting through the castle door to not long after collapsing onto the ground. Now here he was on the ground looking at (Y/N) who looked part monster and Poison Mushroom cookie, one of the many cookies he had a personal grudge against.

"(Y/N), why do you look like that? And what is the child doing here?"

Poison Mushroom quickly grew nervous at the healers tone so (Y/N) decided to step forward and explain.

"This was not his fault. It was Pomegranate cookie. You see while I was captured there, Pomegranate cookie made a deal that she would release me if I disguised myself as Dark Enchantress cookie and helped kick out Affogato cookie. I should have known better than to trust her but I was tempted anyway. I think she may have done something to Poison Mushroom's cookie spell."

Pure Vanilla cookie still displayed some doubt which caused another cookie step forward.

"Pure Vanilla cookie what (Y/N) says is true, "Wizard cookie explained stepping forward taking (Y/N) aback, "He were tricked. This entire time all the things Poison Mushroom had ever done was because he was tricked. "

Pure Vanilla cookie was surprised by the other cookie's sudden defensiveness. Since Wizard cookie himself was a victim to the child's dark magic. This made Pure Vanilla cookie for once stop his doubtful nature towards the child. Poison Mushroom cookie moved out from behind the Wizard cookie to make his way towards the healer.

He looked up at the healer and with the biggest puppy dog eyes he said, "I'm sorry. I only did what the others told me. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Pure Vanilla took the words of the child and felt something change in his heart. Yes, while during this entire time he was very against having Poison Mushroom cookie. At the end of the day he was a child who just got picked up by the wrong group. On the inside, he doesn't mean harm, he just has a unique ability that you in fact be useful at times.

Pure Vanilla took a deep breath, "I apologize too. For even though our encounters have been... less than pleasant. I should have realized you are but a child with very strong magic. It's honestly quite impressive."

Poison Mushroom's eyes sparkled at the praise meanwhile (Y/N) watched from a distance, happy to see the change in behavior. But a sharp pang in their head cut off this happiness.

All the cookies stopped their interaction as they watching in horror as (Y/N) hunched over. The already large spikes in their body began to double in size all the while (Y/N) whimpered in pain and fear.

Poison Mushroom and Custard cream lll seeing their friend in pain and fear swiftly moved towards (Y/N) no fear or doubt in their heart. Both boys laid a gentle hand on either shoulder of the human turned cookie, being mindful of the spikes on their body.

(Y/N) released the tight hold they had on their head at the feeling of the contact. They looked up to see both boys who just smiled as best they could despite the very scary situations that occurred one right after the other.

(Y/N) felt tears build up in their eyes as both boys showed no sign of fear. Now focused on the boys they didn't realize that their spikes had reduced in size or that the news spikes had slowly began to shrink.

Wizard cookie looked about ready to burst into tears until Dark Choco gave the mage a little nudge. He then pointed down at his robe where some very important documents were being kept.

"Oh right!" Wizard cookie pushed the tears that were threatening to stream down his face before he grabbed the scroll, "(Y/N). I have the spell. So we can use it to take you home."

(Y/N)'s eyes shot open, "REALLY!?"

The mage nodded, "Yep it's thanks to my skills that we were able to get the notes and everything."

"But it was thanks to me that we were able to get to the dark castle in the first place...." Dark Choco mumbled.

"But it was thanks to me that you guys weren't caught." Poison Mushroom cookie said smugly causing both Wizard and Dark Choco to grumble.

"If I go back... will this help me with whatever is happening to me."

Wizard cookie nodded, "If everything goes well then it might just work."

Soon everyone turned to (Y/N), "Well... are you ready to go, (Y/N)."

This made (Y/N)'s heart beat rapidly. Finally finally Wizard cookie got the spell book back. They would be able to go home. But would they want to leave this fantasy land where the one thing you need to worry about is what grand adventures would ensue. I mean... this is the world of fantasy where there was no sense of human responsibilities anywhere.



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