Chapter 12: Meeting the consul

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The weekend flew by in a flash. Especially for the (Y/A) year old. They could still feel the excitement for meeting and gaining the trust of All three ancient hero's. But soon reality hit them when they had to go to school the next day.

(Y/N) groaned as they got made their way towards the front door. "This sucks. But hopefully later I meet some more cookies. I wonder who it would be though, maybe cotton cookie or parfait cookie."

"AHEM!" A voice called out. (Y/N) walked backwards from the door to look towards the kitchen.

There they were greeted by clotted cream cookie, Financier cookie, Madeline cookie and expresso cookie.

Clotted cream cookie waved his luscious cape before approaching the edge of the kitchen counter.

"Hello, (Y/N) was it? It is a pleasure to meet you." The noble bowed. 

Now while they didn't openly admit it, they couldn't deny that Clotted Cream cookie was ridiculously nice looking especially for a cookie. They couldn't help but blush  at the gesture.

The cookie stood up, "After hearing such glorious things from not only friends but the three ancient hero's. The Crème republic took great interest in knowing about the friendly human. Which is why they entrusted me to go out and meet you."

"I as well wanted to understand the mechanics of this magic less world," Expresso Cookie added, "Which is why when I heard Clotted Cream cookie was going to meet you. I couldn't help but join him."

"I am sure you are well aware. Who these two are as well."

"Of course. It is a pleasure to meet you. I assume you are here as added protection."

Financier cookie nodded, "Greetings and yes. Once I heard that Sir Clotted Cream cookie was going. I volunteered to come."

"As did I!," Madeleine cookie shouted in a boisterous voice, "I wanted to see with my own eyes the glory this world had to offer. So when the opportunity stuck, I took it."

(Y/N) smiled, "Well. I'm glad you all could come but I have to head to school."

Clotted cream cookie placed his hand in his chin, "School?"

"It's a place where we learn a bunch of stuff. It's like the academy's you have in your world but we don't learn any magic."

"Oh? Then what do you learn?"

"Uh... history, math, science, English and gym class."

"Fascinating!" Expresso cookie exclaimed, "Could we come along?"

(Y/N) breath got caught in their throat at the question, "What?"

"As the founder of the expresso academy. Would it not be my duty to learn about other worlds in order to share them with my students?"

(Y/N) stuttered, "Well...."

"I, as well, must see what education is like in your world. It would be great information to return to the crème republic." Clotted cream added.

"Um... well."

"If Clotted Cream cookie is going, then I must accompany him as his guard."



(Y/N) slapped their hands over their face. Arguing with them would be pointless and very difficult to actually win. So they caved in.

"Okay I will take you but you must promise to stay inside my bag the whole time. No matter what."

"Oh? Then how exactly are we going to see if we are inside your school bag?"

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