Chapter 5: Goodbye for now

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The day went by and now instead of one human and one cookie under a roof. It grew to 5 cookies and (Y/N) couldn't be happier. For once, there was finally something new and exciting happening in their life.

The cycle finally broke and (Y/N) felt like a child meeting their favorite character from their favorite cartoon. Except it actually happened!

Right in their own living room, stood Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard cookie, Chili Pepper cookie and of course Custard Cream lll cookie.

While Custard Cream lll and (Y/N) sat on the couch. The other cookies looked at their surroundings and asked many questions.

But instead Custard Cream lll answered.

"What is this device?" Wizard Cookie asked.

Custard Cream lll raised his head, "That is called a television. Humans use them for entertainment."

"And what about this?" Gingerbrave asked, pointing at a long black device with multiple buttons.

"That is the remote that allows you to change what's on the television. Just press that arrow button pointing up."

Gingerbrave did as his friend asked and pressed the button, the television screen turned dark before turning on to display a different channel.

Gingerbrave's eyes sparkled, "Woah!" He shouted before pressing the up button over and over again.

(Y/N) chuckled at the cookies antics before looking over at another cookie who was trying to lift up a penny, "Chili Pepper cookie. What are you doing?"

The cookie yelped before hiding the penny behind her back, "Nothing. Just looking around." She chuckled.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure, You just aren't snooping around looking for something to steal?"

Chili Pepper cookie began to laugh nervously, "Um... no!"

"Chili?" (Y/N) said, in a much more stern voice.

Chili Pepper cookie growled, "Alright fine. Here take this.... Whatever this thing is?"

(Y/N) chuckled picking up the coin, "It's called a penny. It's the money we have here."

(Y/N) dusted the penny before returning it once more to the cookie, "Here. It's not worth much. So you can have it."

"Alright." Chili Pepper cookie shouted, snatching the coin out of the humans hand.

Wizard cookie let out a cough grabbing the attention of everyone, "I hate to ruin the fun for everyone but I believe it's time for all of us to return home."

(Y/N)'s heart dropped at the statement. It's just like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. But for (Y/N) they didn't want it to end ever.

"Will you at least be able to visit me?"

Wizard cookie nodded, "The portals that I made are unique to me. So I can transport only to here and back so we can come as many times as we like."

(Y/N) let out a shaky smile, at least they would be able to see them again. But how long would that be.

Custard Cream lll cookie noticed his friends sad face as he put his stub on their hand.

"Don't worry. I would never leave my subjects behind. Neither you nor Jerry!"

"Who's Jerry?" Gingerbrave whispered. Strawberry cookie raised her shoulders.

(Y/N) let out a small chuckled before scooping their small friend in their hands and up towards eye level.

"Thanks Custard Cream lll cookie. I'll keep you up on that promise."

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now