Chapter 19: A weapon

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A/N: Xx_Elikx_xX Made this amazing fanart of their version of (Y/N) and Custard Cream III picking out a pot for Jerry! OMG I almost cried when I saw this. Thank you so much and please go check them out because they are an author as well as a lovely artist! And for others who are interested (honestly you really don't have to) but if you want to submit fanart go check out my tumblr in my profile! Anyway, please enjoy!

After getting the medical help and profusely apologizing, (Y/N) still felt guilty for the pain they had caused Herb Cookie both physically and mentally.

They could only hope that this next cookie would be better in at least dodging their hair spikes if (Y/N) sneezed once more.

Now they could only wait in anticipation as to who they were going to work with next.

Meanwhile in a hidden castle~~~~~

All the dark cookies jaw dropped at the report pomegranate cookie had delivered.

"That cookie I saw was able to rebuild the debris of the cookie kingdom?!" Red velvet cookie gasped, one of his many cake hounds was with him and he even whimpered at the thought.

Pomegranate cookie nodded, "Yes. With no help of any kind. I saw before my vary eyes as this one measly cookie brought the kingdom back to its normal state."

Licorice cookie attempted to pull his hoodie further over his head, "That level of power it's terrifying. It could be on par with our dark mistress power. Maybe even mo-"

"No one has more power than our master!" Pomegranate cookie shouted, scaring the already frightened cookie.

"Ooooooh green cookie? I wonder if they want to try some of my shroomies?" Poison mushroom cookie said, not necessarily adding to the conversation.

"B-but," Licorice cookie stuttered, "You saw it yourself! They rebuilt a castle without breaking a sweat. If they can do that, what type of other power do they have at their disposal?"

All the cookies stayed silent as they began to contemplate the mages words. He wasn't necessarily wrong and that's what was truly horrifying to all except for one.

A deep voice laughed, interrupting the cookies gathered around at the table. The Choco werehound brute stood up continuing his exaggerated laughter.

Pomegranate cookie lifted her eyebrow, "Oh? And what's so funny Schwarzwälder?"

The werehound wiped a nonexistent tear, "Oh. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. Us powerful cookies all cowering at this one measly cookie. I'm sure I can take care of them before they could even pose a threat to us."

Schwarzwälder lifted his giant hammer, his toothy grin becoming wider at the thought of taking down such a powerful cookie.

The female mage rolled her eyes, "Overconfident as alway. But fine do as you wish but don't say I didn't warn you."

Schwarzwälder chuckled already beginning his walk out of the dark castle, "Sure. And after I come back from defeating this cookie. The dark mistress will be so impressed with my actions that she will make me her right hand man."

The werehound didn't miss the scowl that Pomegranate cookie gave him before he left.

Meanwhile back in the cookie kingdom~~~~

(Y/N) made their way down to the entrance once more. Now better at walking but still stumbling at times. They were once again called and their excitement began to grow once at the thought of who was on the other side of the grand doors.

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