Chapter 13: Helpless

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(Y/N) sighed as they readied their things. They still couldn't get over what happened the day before. Not only did the two elderly women almost discover the magic cookies in their bag but the cookies who decided to visit left in a hurry. Anxiety traveled through their body as they were afraid that they had left a bad impression on the cookies. The stillness of the house only solidified (Y/N)'s concern because it seemed like no cookies were coming, not in the morning at least.

So (Y/N) gathered their things and hoped the day would go by quickly and maybe some cookies would visit them later in the day. When they shut and locked the door, (Y/N) failed to see the two figures peaking out from besides the house.

A few minutes later the house had begun to shake and a familiar portal appeared once more. Instead of new cookies, the main five popped out of the portal.

"Oh, (Y/N)! Your king has returned!" Custard Cream cookie said, in a grand kingly voice.

When they got no response the king dropped his act, "Are they not here?"

Gingerbrave crossed his arms, "I guess they left for school."

Custard Cream cookie whined, "Awww. We missed them."

"Well if Chili Pepper cookie didn't decide to sleep in then maybe we would have caught them in time." Wizard cookie grumbled.

"Hey!" She shouted, "Even thieves need their beauty sleep!"

"Whatever. They are not here so let use return home for now." Wizard cookie said, about to cast the spell when the door knob began to jiggle.

Custard Cream lll cookie gasped, "(Y/N) is back!"

Strawberry cookie tilted her head, "But why?"

"It was to see their friend and prince of cour-"

"Wait!" Wizard cookie suddenly whispered.

"What is it, Wizard cookie?" Gingerbrave asked.

"I sense something at the door."

Custard Cream lll cookie smiled, "Well of course you do. It's (Y/N) obvious-"

"No!" The wizard shouted, "It's something different. I sense.... Magic!"

Before any of the cookies could react to his claim, the jiggling of the doorknob became more intense.

"HIDE!" Wizard cookie shouted before fleeing.

All the cookies soon began to flee just as the doorknob finally turned and the front door opened wide.

Much the all the cookies horror, it was true. It wasn't their friend at the door but two women that were unknown to them.

"Why did we have to pick the lock? Why couldn't we just use magic to open the front door?" Octavia asked her older sister.

"Because we are out in public so we can't use magic. We need to appear like two old ladies entering a house and if someone asks (Y/N) is our grandchild." Lucinda explained before stepping into the house, "Now let us get to work. We must find whatever magic (Y/N) has. They are too naive and too young to have any magic in their hands. I can sense it now."

All the cookies began to shake from their hiding spots.

Octavia suddenly sniffed the air, "I smell something."

Lucinda rolled her eyes, "You and that dog nose of yours. Who cares if you smell something!"

"Because where ever the smell is coming from is also where the magic is coming from!" Octavia shouted, her sisters eyes widened.

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