Chapter 46: Storm

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A/N: We reaching the final stretch YALL! Here we go!


"Wait!" A sudden voice broke from the crowd, the crowd of cookies parted to see a small scientist make her way towards the front of the crowd.

"What are you doing here Alchemist cookie?" Custard cream cookie asked.

"I have seen and witnessed everything that just took place and I could not contain myself any longer." Alchemist cookie then zoomed towards the front of the crowd where (Y/N), Poison Mushroom and Custard stood.

"Now while I don't necessarily believe in all this useless magic. I do believe that some use could come out of this experience with...whatever the heck is happening to you." The child then gestures to the sources that were still present in on (Y/N)'s arm.

Alchemist cookie looked at (Y/N) as if they were an experiment of some kind, which made them extremely uncomfortable. "We must see what sort of chemical reaction caused such an effect like this one. I must run some tests and take some samples." The child then moved towards different parts of (Y/N)'s cookie body. Poking at the spikes and using a magnifying glass to take a better look at the green skin near their hands.

While all the older cookies could only focus on the child's mannerisms. The two children and fox found this entire thing odd. Custard cream of course, knew Alchemist cookie the best seeing how she is a current resident of the cookie kingdom. So he took quick note about how her grape like pigtails were a slightly more reddish color as well as her eyes.

Poison Mushroom cookie and Tighnari found this situation odd because of the smell that the alchemist was giving off. Since Poison Mushroom dealt with Poisons and such, he was keen to picking up the certain scents of different cookies and things despite his aloof personality. Tighnari as proven many times before also had a keen sense of smell, and could always detect the scent of a cookie that was either foreign or not necessarily welcomed.

Unfortunately (Y/N) was too focused on the mannerisms of the adorable scientist to pay attention to any of the odd signs. "Okay, a little sample won't hurt."

Alchemist cookie squealed at the agreement the other cookie was agreeing to. "Thank you. This will be a vital help in the future to stop mas- I mean Dark Enchantress cookie. You've always liked that haven't you. Helping others."

(Y/N) smiled, "Well of course, especially all these guys. Since they have helped me so much. Anyway, what would you like me to do?"

The child chuckled head lowering as she brought out a reddish looking liquid in a vial,

"͎G̶̺̥̎̄͌͑͂̔̏̓̂́̈́͜͝͝͝͝ͅŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ t̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅ s̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝p̴̩͙̺̩͓̣͈͖̎ͅ"

Like something out of a horror movie, everything happened in slow motion. As a malicious grin took over the child's face. Alchemist cookie then lifted the glass bottle in the air. Poison Mushroom, Custard Cream lll Tighnari, even though they were so close were only mere centimeters short of the alchemists reach.

With all her might, the female child slammed the bottle onto the ground causing the contents in the inside to burst out with a quick splash.

The liquid upon release turned into a red gas that consumed the immediate area around the small group.

All the cookies and fox coughed at the toxic gas. It was foul stench that filled the lungs but had a hint of a sweetness. After a few moments of the instinctive body reaction. They immediately surveyed the area. All the cookies looked fine except for two. Alchemist cookie who laid on the ground, her hair and eyes turning back to their normal color of purple. Also (Y/N)'s whose head hung low and remained still as stone.

Poison Mushroom reached out a gently hand, "(Y/N)?" He asked.

(Y/N)'s head shot straight up at the males call but instead of a normal answer. Poison Mushroom got a growl and the sight of three raised claws about to come down on the child. Thankfully being the quick man that he was, Dark Choco cookie was able to grab and push the small boy out of the way.

With a solid oof, Dark Choco landed a few feet away with an unscathed Poison Mushroom cookie.

"(Y/N)!" The child cried out. But once again, instead of a call back they were met with laughter.

Unfortunately everyone there knew that laugh all too well. In a grand display of magic, the red smoke that was in the immediate area, formed into a tornado like formation. While it was spinning the outline of a certain mage took form. Floating down before eventually landing and quickly dispersing the poison fog.

"Pomegrante cookie!" Dark Choco growled at the mage who looked smug.

"The transformation was taking too long. Plus with this offer to head home...whatever that means. I knew I had to act. Thankfully this little Alchemist was the perfect subject to allow any suspicion to disperse. So all it took was one simple spell and they obeyed my every rule which is the same thing that happened with (Y/N)... only a little different."

"What do you mean?" Pure Vanilla cookie asked, staff pointed at the mage.

Pomegrante cookie simply smiled "You'll see~" in a grand gesture the female lifted her staff into the air before smashing it onto the ground. The cookies all looked in confusion at the mages sudden gesture, about the question what she did. Until they looked behind her where (Y/N) stood.

They whimpered as they held their head, their body glowing an entire emerald green color. Custard and Tighnari were going to approach their friend but stopped as (Y/N) suddenly grew in size and continued to grow. But it wasn't just size that changed, their once brown doughy skin now fully turned a light green color and spikes now took over every inch of their form. Their skin also took on a much hard texture then that of a soft cookie and their eyes were fully emerald. While Pomegrante cookie grinned at the transformation taking place, all the other cookies couldn't only watch in horror as the cookie they previously knew, their friend from the human world turn into a monster.

(Y/N)'s teeth grew in sharpness and two giant giant horns and fox like ears took position on their head. Behind them now sat 9 giant tails, similar to that of Tighnari when he is in his kitsune form. Only this form was more stronger and terrifying.

Once the transformation was complete, (Y/N) let out a mighty roar. One that shook the trees in the surrounding area. Even the cookies who were still trying to recover from the sudden dragon attack, now had a new giant beast to fear. But all that fear fell on deaf ears as Pomegrante cookie let out a large laugh. Casting a spell she lifted her self in the area to land on the shoulder of (Y/N)'s corrupted form.

"Now you will se the wrath of Dark Enchantress cookie." Pomegranate shouted to the horrified cookies back on the ground.

"Come, let's return to our master!" The mage said to her newly formed beast.

(Y/N) simply responded with a growl as they turned and walked towards Dark Enchantress's cookies castle. All the cookies back towards the castle could only try to go through all the events that just took place while also watching in disbelief at the horrific form (Y/N) took.

"What do we do?" Custard Cream lll asked facing the remaining group, "What so we do? What do we do?" The child shouted to everyone tears about to pour down their face.

For once in his long existence, Pure Vanilla cookie was stunned, "I... I mean we... we should... we must... we."

"I know what to do." Wizard cookie said, pulling out the portal spell scroll from his robe. But I am going to need some time and prevent (Y/N) from heading towards the dark castle, will you be able to do it?"

Pure Vanilla cookie still looked a bit uncertain but at the sound of shuffling feet he turned to see, all the cookies of the cookie run kingdom.

With determined looks and weapons drawn they looked towards the healer for command. Even Hollyberry cookie and Dark Cacao cookie also looked in command.

Pure Vanilla cookie for once during this long ordeal finally had enough courage to smile, "Yes. Now let's go." 

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