Chapter 31: Dont leave

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After the failed attempt Affogato cookie went back to the palace of dark cookies. Which were not pleased to see him. Especially Pomegranate cookie.

"I'm saddened to hear you have failed your mission, Affogato Cookie. And I had place such high hopes in you and your disciples." Dark Enchabtress Cookie sighed while her right hand women had a smirk on her face. Enjoying the shameful look on the other cookies face.

"I'm sorry your majesty. It appears I thought too low of this enemy. But don't worry. I have something else that might work." An ominous cloud of smoke began to dissipate from the mages staff.

All the other cookies in the room began to cough as the poisonous smoke began to fill the air. Well everyone except Poison Mushroom cookie.

"You think a simple cloud of poison will simply make this cookie bend to your will?" Pomegranate cookie snarled while Afforgato cookie laughed.

"No my dear. This is no ordinary cloud of poison. The has a different effect." His staff began to shine once more as the smoke finally cleared. Pomegranate cookie let out one final cough before looking at the Affogato cookie. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Much to her annoyance this plan of his was going to work.

Back in the cookie kingdom~~~~~

After escaping the forest, (Y/N) had made their way over to Dark Cacao cookie and his two retainers. Much to the dismay of Custard cream lll who just wanted to play.

"Your majesty I have something to tell you."

The dark king and his guards turned around, "What is it (Y/N)?"

"I saw Affogato cookie in the forest," all three of the dark cacao kingdom gasped in horror, "We ran into him in the forest. At first he tried to trick me into thinking he was a good guy. But I already knew better than that and told him I wasn't gonna fall for his tricks."

A hint of relief made its way to Dark Cacao's face, "Good. I'm glad that snakes charms didn't work on you. But now that he is here I am assuming that he has now joined allegiance with  the Dark cookies."

Caramel Arrow cookie scowled, "Of course he be joking the worst of the worst of cookies. But in a way he's where he belongs."

"So what are we gonna do?" Crunchy chip asked his leader.

"First I will tell the other two about the new alley Dark Enchantress cookie has. Meanwhile you two, will gather the others, our guards know Affogato cookies tricks and ways. We are best to help protect the kingdom and (Y/N)."

"What do you want me to do?" (Y/N) asked eagerly.

"You (Y/N), can stay inside the castle where it is safe."

Although a little disappointed they weren't assigned anything cool, (Y/N) still agreed to the kings request.

Now (Y/N) could only sit in their room inside the palace with the small fox version of Tighnari and Custard Cream lll who looked incredibly sad.

"What is it, Custard?"

"That stupid Affogato cookie. He messed with the fun day we were gonna have." The young prince said cheeks puffed.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile in amusement, "Hey just because we can't play outside. Doesn't mean we still can't play castle. For example (Y/N) jumped off the bed and kneeled before the prince who remained on the piece of furniture. "Your majesty, I humbly serve you." Tighnari who was laying down on the bed rolled his eyes before turning over, ready to get some sleep. But not before he was grabbed by his owner, "And your noble steed is also willing to serve you at all times."

No I'm not. Tighnari yelped at his owner.

Custard Cream lll smiled, "Yes you may bow before your ruler and the future king of the cookie kingdom."

(Y/N) held Tighnari as they bowed, "Yes. You will be the best ruler your majesty."

"(Y/N) you do not have to bow. You are my right hand man!" Custard Cream lll whispered.

(Y/N) stood up "Oh? Then who is going to be your subjects for you to rule over."

Both turned towards Tighnari who laid on the ground, a sinister smirk on both their faces. Tighnari's ears shot up in horror and before he could make a run for it he was snatched up by his owner.

Now in a silly hat that was given to them my Mont Blanc cookie, Tighnari sat annoyed at the overly large hat on his head.

"There now you have a subject."

Both (Y/N) and Custard Cream laughed at the very annoyed expression on the foxes face.

"Now that I have my subject. I must request one more thing if you, (Y/N)."

"Of course, whatever you wish your majest-"

"Don't leave."

(Y/N) eyes widened, "Huh?"

The prince's face turned red with embarrassment, "I know I said I wanted to hang out with you before you could possibly be heading home. But do you have to leave. Can't you just stay here in the cookie kingdom."

"Custard I-"

"I don't want to constantly have to wait to visit you. Just being able to see you and hangout with everyday makes me so happy. I-I don't want you to leave, you are my best friend."

(Y/N) continued to stare in confusion as the princes eyes filled with tears, Tighnari dropped his annoyed expression to jump on the bed and comfort the prince.

Now (Y/N) was staring at the two most important people in this world for them. Which only made it harder for them to consider actually leaving.

The only thing that stopped their incoming panic attack was a knock on the door, "(Y/N), it's me."

A familiar Dark prince said, on the other side.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, that means Dark Choco found the book. They could finally find a way to get home. They pealed their eyes away from the door and back to the prince who still had tears in his eyes.

"I'll be right back." Was all (Y/N) said before leaving Custard Cream lll and a Tighnari in their room.

(Y/N) opened and shut the door to reveal an empty hallway. "Dark Choco cookie?" (Y/N) asked looking down both sides of the hall way.

They didn't hear a response from the ex-prince. But instead a sinister chuckle.

"Did you like my impression? I had been practicing it."

(Y/N)'s head snapped over to see Affogato cookie with a few of his disciple and priests behind him. (Y/N) flinched before looking towards their closed bedroom door. But before they could make a run towards it. Two of the cookies henchmen blocked the door way.

Now it was just (Y/N) and Affogato cookie facing each other for now. Affogato smirked as he released smoke from his staff. All of his disciples wore special coverings while (Y/N) had no choice but the breath in the toxic fumes.

Affogato cookie smirked, "It's pointless to fight it. It will only delay the inevitable."

(Y/N) coughed, eyes water as they tried to get to the bedroom door where they could hear Custard Cream on the other side.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" He asked.

The two disciples smirked as they both stepped away, watching in amusement as (Y/N) struggled to reach to reach the door. It wasn't until they were about to make contact with it did the smoke finally dissipate and (Y/N) could finally take a healthy breath.

"Don't open the door." Affogato cookie commanded, and with a shaky hand (Y/N) placed it back on the ground.

"Stand up and face me."

(Y/N) obeyed immediately causing Affogato cookie to smirk further. When they turned around he could help but laugh with joy. Their eyes were no longer a familiar (E/C) but instead they glowed purple. 

"Good. Now let's go back to the Dark kingdom. I can't wait to show Dark Enchantress cookie."

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