Chapter 40: Further infected

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The party had finally come to an end and (Y/N) was more upset than ever before. While the night didn't end horribly, it still made them draw two conclusions, one is that the none of the hero's were going to listen them and the other is that Dark Choco cookie found the book but didn't get any of the information.

Now while it wasn't necessarily his fault because (Y/N) didn't specify that they not only need the books location but also the information inside of it. It was incredibly infuriating that the wait to head home was now spread even longer.

Well they couldn't solve the former issue, that couldn't be said for the latter.

Which leads them to now where (Y/N) now sat at a table with Dark Choco and Wizard cookie, who looked incredibly nervous being right next to the ex-prince.

"Thank you guys for coming here."

(Y/N) turned to face Dark Choco cookie, "I would first like to apologize for my behavior during the party. I should have been more specific."

Dark Choco cookie waved a dismissive hand, "Don't worry. I would honestly be in the same position if I needed to so desperately get this book back."

(Y/N) nodded, "Yeah. That book... it uh means a lot to me so that's why I have to get it back."

"Does it have anything to do with the fact that you are human?"

Both (Y/N), Wizard cookie and Tighnari who had just been laying on (Y/N)'s lap the whole time, jaws dropped.

"You... you know."

Dark Choco couldn't help but chuckle, "Of course I knew. I was in the cookie kingdom when the witches attacked." The trio stared at the male who continued, "After I departed from the Dark cookies. I still wanted to keep watch to stop any plans that Dark Enchantress cookie may have. So I mostly stayed in the forest just outside the cookie kingdom. So you could imagine my surprise and horror when one day two witches created a portal and grabbed all the cookies in the kingdom before vanishing in a ray of light."

At the mention of the witches, (Y/N) couldn't help but express guilt at the mention of the witches. It had been a while since they actually thought about Lucinda and Octavia. Especially the last things they said to the sister but right now wasn't the time.

"I was going to go after them but the portal they made closed by then. So I was forced to just wait to see if anything would happen and thankfully it did. A new portal opened and out came all the cookies that were previously captured. As well as a new figure that seemed to be their savior. As soon as a majority of the cookies came back to Earthbread a bright light flashed through the portal entrance. Then falling across the sky came an entirely new cookie."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, "So you saw everything? You saw me transform and get forced into this new world."

Dark Choco nodded, "Yes. So I knew with your introduction into this world, Dark Enchantress cookie would follow close behind. So I made sure to watch to make sure nothing took place. Unfortunately I was not successful." Dark Choco said that last part with a huge tone of guilt.

(Y/N) shook their head, "No. You did all you could. I'm glad there was someone in the background that was looking out for me. Besides you found the book so now we just need to get the materials of it." They then turned to face Wizard cookie, "Which is where you come in."

"Me?" Wizard cookie gasped.

"You are going to go with Dark Choco cookie to help with reading and writing the necessary spells that are needed to get me home."

Wizard cookie scoffed, "Wha- Me! Going into the most hated enemy in all of Earthbread?"

"Please Wizard cookie. Only you will be able to get and use the spell." (Y/N) pleaded, leaning forward with the arms together in a praying motion. The action causing Tighnari to get squashed and eventually he jumped onto the ground.

Wizard cookie further dismissed the other cookies request, "Why not get a latte cookie or any other magic cookie to help Dark Choco cookie with gather the materials. Then you guys can just simply come back, and I can perform the spell."

"Because everyone else is either too busy or not up to the level of that type of magic. So only you will be able to do it Wizard cookie."

Before Wizard cookie could further deny the cookies request, they saw a shadow loom from behind (Y/N). He looked up in horror to see Tighnari in his much larger Kitsune form. The wizard stared at the fox as he sent a small snarl in his direction.

Wizard cookie began to sweat before nodding frantically so much so you think his neck would snap.

"Okay I'll go."

(Y/N) smiled before running over and wrapping both their arms around the cookies on the other side of the table.

"Thanks you guys. You are the best." Both boys turned a slight darker color at the sudden praise from the human cookie. When they pulled away, Dark Choco cookie pointed to something else that had been on his mind.

"By the way, what's going on with your hand?" The ex-prince said, gesturing towards (Y/N)'s contaminated hand that had had turned a light green.

(Y/N) yelped after seeing their color turning hand, "I have no idea. I didn't know it was like this." Panic once again settled into (Y/N)'s heart. Which only seemed to worsen the color changing as it very slowly traveled further up, (Y/N)'s hand. To which they panicked and just slammed the hand into one of the pockets from their outfit.

"Um... I think I'll go to the infirmary later but let's not worry about that. Do you understand what you need to do?"  (Y/N) said, pointing at the pair with the other hand. The two looked at each other before nodding in determination.

After gathering the necessary supplies and items needed. (Y/N) sent the two off as they ventured into the forest and towards the dark kingdom. But once out of sight, (Y/N) further progressed into panic. They ran back to the kingdom and into their room. (Y/N) took out their color changing hand which continued to travel further and now spread to their entire stub itself.

Tighnari whimpered as he sniffed the stub, it smelled disgusting.

"What is happening to me?" (Y/N) whimpered, now forced to once again sit and wait for the return of the now pair of cookies. But on top of the anxious waiting, it was now a race against the clock to hopefully return before water this was spread through their entire body.

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