Chapter 41: A useful power

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A/N: BRUH I WAS THINKING ABOUT IT AND I lowkey realized that Poison mushroom cookie and Wally Darling act exactly the same. Also once again thank you to Xx_Elikx_xX for the 5oK drawing! It's so beautiful🥹

Things went back to normal in the Dark kingdom after (Y/N) had escaped for the second time.

Licorice cookie and Schwarzwälder were out committing evil schemes.

Red Velvet cookie was training his dog hound soldiers.

Last Pomegranate cookie, stood by her masters side as the two just enjoyed their victory.
An achievement that Poison Mushroom cookie still never understood.

Not long after (Y/N) was released and Dark Enchantress cookie revealed her plan. She swiftly punished the child cookie by putting him in charge of taking care of all the cake hound pups that have yet to be trained by Red Velvet.

A task that was proven hard for Poison Mushroom because any and all the puppies ran at the smell he was giving off. It was a constant cat and mouse chase. One that Poison Mushroom quickly grew tired of.

So that left him just sitting at the kennel and worrying about the new friend he gained the whole time. That is until he heard a small crash not too far off from where he sat.

The closer Poison Mushroom got the more he heard voices that followed the crash from before. Finally he reached a corner just close enough the head the voices but still not be seen.

"Don't you have a spell that will help you be more stealthy?" A familiar voice grumbled.

Poison Mushroom cookie silently gasped, Dark Choco~~~~~

"Of course there is, but casting it would draw too much attention you brute! Besides you were the one who decided to break the window." A new voice shouted in a whisper.

"Well. Some guards were making their way to us. I had to think fast."

"Well smashing a window is not being stealthy."

Dark Choco rubbed his forehead in annoyance, "This is why I work alone."

Wizard cookie clicked his teeth, "Tch. Let's just get this over with the faster we find the book. The faster we get out of this horrible place. And help (Y/N)."

Now this piqued Poison Mushroom's curiousity and he decided to finally come out.

"What are you guys doing?~~~~~"

Both men turned in horror at the child behind them. "Look what you did!" Wizard cookie shouted.

"Let me talk to him." Dark Choco cookie whispered as if the child was not two feet away from him.

"Listen Poison Mushroom cookie, we need to find a book-"

"To help (Y/N)!" The child responded back.

Both Men were once again stunned, "You... know."

"Yep~~ I heard you guys arguing so I hid around the corner."

"Oh... well now that you know, are you willing to help?" Dark Choco asked making Poison Mushroom smile with glee.

"Yes~~~ anything for my fri-"

"Wait a minute!" A familiar staff broke the space between the two."Why should we even trust him,He could be working for Dark Enchantress cookie and tricked us like he did (Y/N)!"

Poison Mushroom tilted his head, "I tricked them?~~~~"

"Yes! You created some sort of illusion or spell that made them think you are a good cookie. That's why when they got back to the cookie kingdom they are acting all weird and their hand is turning green." Wizard cookie explained staff pointed towards the child.

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