Chapter 42: Apology accepted

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Now with no one in their way. Dark Choco cookie  lead Wizard cookie to where the spell book was. Unfortunately for them one specific child decided to accompany them as well.

"So uh... why are you coming with us?" Wizard cookie asked, keeping an eye on his surrounding.

"If it has something to do with (Y/N)~~~ I want to help." Poison Mushroom cookie explained, furthering the confusion of the wizard.


"They were nice to me!" Poison Mushroom grinned, "...I'm not used to that~~~."

"Well I mean, you do constantly poison people whether by mistake or not." Wizard cookie mumbled quietly enough not for the child to hear. But the other cookie with them heard it and sent a slight wake to the wizards head.

Wizard cookie huffed before clearing his throat, "I see. Not even from your fellow Dark cookie members?"

"They don't treat me bad~~~ they gave me a home~~~ but sometimes they are not nice. None of them take my shroomie's when I offer them!" Poison Mushroom's cheeks puffed at the last sentence. Further emphasizing his anger at the thought of anyone denying his mushrooms.

"I see. Did (Y/N) take one?" Wizard cookie asked, his question quickly changing the child's mood.

"Yep! Although they didn't eat it. Only put it away in their pocket."

"Can't really blame them for not wanting to eat it..." Wizard cookie mumbled which once again lead him to receiving a wack from the ex-prince.

"They even showed me a secret handshake of theirs. It's called a high stub!"

This caught Wizard cookies attention. He had only heard the phrase when (Y/N) was with Custard Cream lll. It was their way of greeting each other. So the fact that (Y/N) had taught and performed the high stub with Poison Mushroom truly meant that (Y/N) not only considered the child a friend but someone they trusted.

But for Wizard cookie to truly figure out if Poison Mushroom cookie should be trusted he decided to further ask him questions.

"Tell me something. (Y/N) said you were the one that helped free them. Is that true?"

Poison cookie nodded, "Yep. Once we got rid of that mean purple adult cookie, pomegrante cookie allowed them to leave."

Now this caught the attention of Dark Choco cookie, he unfortunately knew those two names very well and he despised both.

Now it was his turn to ask questions, "What do you mea-"

"What was that?" A new voice said down the hall from the trio. All three's head shot towards the voice. Dark Choco frantically looked around, "This way the book was is on the other side of this door."

The ex-prince pointed to a rather large grand door that looked about as menacing as it could get. Designed with dragons of all kind.

"Wow... well that's menacing and rather obvious looking." Wizard cookie could help but point out.

"There's no time!" Dark Choco shouted before slamming the doors open and pulling the two inside. The dark doors slamming behind the trio. 

Meanwhile around the corner came Black Licorice cookie, who was looking all around for the source of the sudden voices he heard.

"What was that?  Perhaps they are behind the menacing and obvious looking door." The evil cookie contemplated before chucking, "Oh who am I kidding. Only an idiot who decided to sneak into the dark castle would hide behind such an obvious door."

Well apparently three idiots did, and said idiots stared at the giant spell book displayed in front of them.

Poison Mushroom awed, "Woooooooooow~ That's a bigggggggggggg book!"

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