Chapter 26: Fun

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A/N: This does contain spoilers for the game so warning!

Back in the Hidden kingdom~~~~~

Dark Enchantress cookie slammed her staff in anger causing all the cookies in the room to jump.

"That little traitor. He betrayed his kingdom and continues to act against the cookie who took his pathetic soul in."

Licorice cookie whimpered, "Yes. We almost had the cookie too."

Dark Enchantress cookie growled, "Yes. But you still let them get away. We will have a discussion about that later." The mage turned towards her disciple, "Pomegranate cookie. Find this cookie and bring them to me. If Dark Choco cookie stands in your way, do anything you can to stop him."

Pomegranate cookie bowed, "Of course, master."

Back in the cookie kingdom~~~~

Due to the whole incident of running into two cookies of darkness, the whole hiding training was quickly cut short. Especially since Ninja cookie found (Y/N) holding Tighnari and running for their lives. Of course when the cactus cookie told them what happened excluding the part where Dark Choco saved them, it was quickly reported to the many cookies of the cookie kingdom.

Search teams were dispersed, but they came up empty. There weren't even reports of the ex-prince which made both (Y/N) sad and relieved that Dark Choco cookie got out safely.

But now that everyone knew that Dark Enchantress cookie wanted to meet (Y/N). A meeting was called with the great three.

"Now before we discuss, (Y/N) I must know how is life treating you in this new world." Pure Vanilla cookie asked (Y/N) who smiled,

"It's been great. I've met so many new cookies and made so many new friends. Including Tighnari." The fox hopped onto his owners lap and licked their face causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"I'm glad you are doing well. And it's a pleasure to meet you Sir Tighnari." Hollyberry cookie said,as the fox turned at the sight of the shield hero. He puffed out his chest before gracefully bowing.

"Now that we now you have settled well, we must talk about why we are all here." Dark Cacao cookie said breaking the fun atmosphere.

"Indeed. In light of the current situation, I think it would be in (Y/N)'s best interest if there was at least one cookie accompanying them at all times."

Dark Cacao and Hollyberry cookie nodded in agreement, "Indeed." Dark Cacao said, "We don't know why Dark Enchantress cookie wants to meet (Y/N) but whatever it is it can't be anything good."

"I agree. Which is why I have called on my best soldiers and warriors to held provide (Y/N) protection." Hollyberry cookie exclaimed making Dark Cacao turn his head in shock.

"Please. My warriors are much more equipped in providing protection."

Hollyberry frowned, "Oh. So you think my soldiers are not good enough to protect them."

Both Pure Vanilla cookie and (Y/N) sighed, already aware of how this was going to go. The healer very carefully shuffled away while the two other hearts began to have a full blown argument.

"I already have someone eager to help you," he whispered, "You should go now. This maybe a while."

(Y/N) nodded before picking up Tighnari and running towards the door, they narrowly avoided a sudden vase that was thrown due to the increasing argument. (Y/N) slammed the doors shut before they were knocked to the ground due to a sudden force to their stomach.

They looked down to see their favorite little prince.

"Custard Cream lll!" (Y/N) shouted hugging the young prince as more approached the two.

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