Chapter 16: A new start

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Custard Cream lll cookie pulled away from his friend.

"(Y/N). I can't believe you're here. How and your a cookie?!"

(Y/N) shrugged their shoulders, "I have no idea how this happened. I just woke up and found myself here. I wonder if it was that spell that Lucinda cast?"

Wizard cookie stepped forward, "Well. Whatever spell she cast not only turned you into a cookie but they burned the scroll that contained the spell about portals."

(Y/N)'s candy eyes widened, "What!? So now I'm stuck here?!"

"Yes. But only until we find the spell book and return you back home."

Despite the reassurance, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel tense at the wizards explanation. Sure they were happy to now be in the same world as their friends but they were separated from family, friends and the world they grew up in. In the cookie kingdom, the rules were different. There was actually magic and monsters that could easily snap the new cookie in half.

Seeing the distraught look on his friends face, Custard Cream lll cookie grabbed (Y/N)'s stubby hand.

"But don't worry! You have us and we will help you find a way back home and turn you back into a human."

(Y/N) let out a small smile at princes's words, now feeling a bit better. The sound of shaking bushes took them out of the moment, before the three ancient hero's came into view from inside the forest.

"My friends, are you alright?" Pure Vanilla cookie asked, staff at the ready in case someone needed healing.

Gingerbrave nodded, "Yes. We just found someone." All the cookies moved to the side to allow the three cookies to approach (Y/N).

"Oh. Are you okay little one?"

(Y/N) rubbed the back of their doughy neck, "I could better?"

Pure Vanilla's cookies multicolor eyes shot open at the sound of the familiar voice. All three of the ancient hero's gasped with surprise at the cookie before them.

Pure Vanilla cookie stepped closer, "(Y/N)?"

The new cookie nervously giggled, "Yeah. It's me."

"But how?" Hollyberry cookie asked, leaning over the (Y/A) year old and inspecting them.

"I don't know. I think whatever spell Lucinda cast caused me to become this."

Dark Cacao cookie raised his eyebrow, "Lucinda?"

(Y/N) rubbed their cookie arm, "Yes. I always used to visit her and her sister Octavia. I would bring them treats every Monday and we would hang out. It was fun but I didn't know they held such a big secret. So when I saw you guys were taken and it was by them. I couldn't help but feel so betrayed."

(Y/N) tried desperately to wipe the tears that were beginning to form on their new face. They looked up when they felt a hand on their shoulder. When they looked up, (Y/N) saw the gentle smile of the healer himself.

"I know, it can be difficult to be hurt by someone you care for. But you not only have us but you have the entire kingdom. Who are safe thanks to you." Pure Vanilla cookie bowed with gratitude.
A domino effect soon followed as all the cookies including ginger brave and his crew, Hollyberry and Dark Cacao cookie bowed with honor.

(Y/N) feverishly shook their head, "No! It's okay. I only did it because you guys are my friends."

Pure Vanilla cookie lifted his head before chuckling, "Yes. Now, let us get you settled into the Vanilla kingdom. There are repairs that have to be made and (Y/N) must get ready for lessons."

(Y/N) tilted their head, "Lessons in what?"

"Well, ever since you became a cookie. You have been giving off an aura that radiates magic. So in order to harness that, you must take lessons." Pure Vanilla cookie explained, all the while (Y/N) grew more excited at each word the mage spoke.

"IM GONNA STUDY MAGIC!?!" (Y/N) grabbed the young prince who was smiling at his friends excitement, "DID YOU HEAR THAT CUSTARD CREAM III COOKIE!"

Said prince chuckled, "Yes. (Y/N) cookie, or should I call you Cactus cookie?"

(Y/N)'s excited face dropped to one with confusion, "Cactus cookie?"

"Well yes, your hair is green and has white spots all over it similar to Sir Jerry. And since he's a cactus then I guess you must be a cactus cookie."

"Oooooooo. I get it, no wonder why these tiny spots hurt."

Gingerbrave being the bravest one out of the group, decided to test (Y/N) statement by carelessly poking a piece of hair that had a white thorn sticking out. He instantly flinched and shot his hand away from the cookies hair.

Both (Y/N) and Custard cream lll cookie couldn't help but laugh at the leaders mannerisms.

"Thanks but I think I'll stick with (Y/N)."

Pure Vanilla cookie slammed his staff against the ground gaining the attention of everyone,"Good. Now let's get going."

A nervous chuckle stopped all the cookies however from leaving, "Actually that might be problem."

"Why, are you hurt?" Strawberry Cookie asked, concern laced in her voice.

"No I'm not hurt. It's just that, I'm so used to walking with feet that now that only have little numbs it's hard for me to get any balance to stand let alone walk."

"I see. Well don't worry. I know just the cookie to help with that." Dark Cacao cookie said before turning back to the first and letting out a loud whistle.

Almost immediately the bushes shook as out came Crunchy chip cookie riding on his black and white wolf.

The two stopped just a few feet away from their ruler. "Yes, your majesty?"

"Crunchy chip cookie, please let (Y/N) ride on the back of your wolf. They don't know how to walk with their new body." The king said to Crunchy Chip cookie who looked incredibly confused at the mention of the large human.

"Um... okay. But where are they?"

As its master looked around in confusion, Crunchy chip's wolf strutted over to the new cookie in the group.

(Y/N) became increasingly nervous as the sharp toothed wolf began to sniff at them in their new form. It wasn't until the wolf licked their face, did (Y/N) realize the wind recognized them.

The wolf then turned around to bark at its master. Crunchy chip stopped his looking around before joining his pet who was sitting next to (Y/N).

"(Y/N)?" Crunchy chip cookie asked, examining their new form.

"Yes it's me! I guess your wolf was able to recognize me by the smell," said wolf nudged its head against (Y/N)'s hand asking for pets. "But since I am like this, I am not used to having feet and I can't walk. So I was wondering if I could get a ride on your wolf back to the Vanilla kingdom."

Before his owner could agree or not, the speckled wolf dived its head under (Y/N)'s limp legs before tossing them into the air causing (Y/N) the squeal. The cookie was thrown before landing on the back of the wolf, who barked with a smile.

Crunchy chip cookie couldn't help but chuckle, "I guess you have your answer. Now let's get back to the kingdom."

Now safe on the back of the wolf, (Y/N) watched as all their friends joined them on the way back to the vanilla kingdom.

(Y/N) didn't know what was in store for them but at least they weren't going at it alone.

The littlest of Joys (Cookie Run kingdom x reader)Where stories live. Discover now