Chapter 51: Joy

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It was a normal day like most at least for (Y/N).
They went to school, came home, ate food, played on their phone and went to bed. They wore basic clothing and studied the usual topics in school. It was just an endless cycle of doing the same old things everyday.

Of course because of this constant cycle, life became sort of predictable and boring. Nothing exciting happened to the (Y/A) year old. If only there was something to break this cycle. Well it wasn't much but there was one thing that helped....

They felt the licks of a wet tongue against their face. (Y/N) groaned as they gently pushed the animal off their chest.

"Ok... ok...I'm up." (Y/N) yawned, rubbing the tired look from their eyes as they gazed down at the (F/T) dog on their lap.

" I smell like dog slobber... thanks Tighnari." The green eyed dog barked before he attempted to lick his owners face once again.

"Alright alright...I know...I'm going."

(Y/N) walked into their living room, where they saw plenty of cookies running around and wreaking havoc. But they were used to this now with the cookies ability to go in between worlds no problem.

As the cookies greeted (Y/N) they gave a wave back before getting some breakfast which was just some classic cereal.

As they opened the box and poured the contents out, two little cookies also fell out as well.

"Good morning Custard Cream lll, good morning Poison Mushroom cookie."

The two cookies smiled, "Good morning, (Y/N)."

"I was just showing Poison Mushroom the delicious food you humans have. Especially this marshmallow cereal." Custard Cream explained as Poison Mushroom nodded in agreement while munching a marshmallow.

(Y/N) chuckled before gently picking up the two and lifting them up and out of the bowl. "Hehehe. Yeah it is pretty good. But make sure not to eat too much or else you'll get a tummy ache."

The lights flickered for a moment. (Y/N) sighed.

"Golden Cheese cookie! Are you trying to get into the wifi again?!"(Y/N) said looking over at the wifi router.

The leader chuckled nervously putting away the many various tools she had around her, ""

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "Look I know you're new around here. But that doesn't mean you can use my wifi to build another utopia. At least ask me first."


(Y/N) heard a splash. They looked over at the sink that was filled to the brim and two cookies broke from the surface. "Black pearl, Sea fairy cookie. I see you like the sink."

"Indeed, although it will never compare to the dark seas dangerous waters." Black pearl cookie said with a sinister smirk, "I could show you around, if you'd like."

(Y/N) shifted their eyes away from the mermaid, "Uh...yeah... I lowkey don't want to die so...I'm just gonna decline that offer."

A knock stopped (Y/N)'s nervous rant as they looked towards the front door. They squealed before they raced and open the door. There they saw Lucinda, Octavia with Wizard cookie and Clotted cream cookie all of which were engaged in a conversation and laughing up a storm.

"You have such Charisma Clotted Cream cookie. Are you sure you're not looking for someone?" Octavia asked wiggling her eyebrows.

The council member sweat nervously, "Well I am flattered Ms. Octavia I am afraid my commitment to the republic is taking up most of my time at the moment."

"Okay...but just so you know I am much more flexible in my cookie form~."

Wizard cookie tried not to burst into laughter as Clotted Cream tried to hold a smile, "I will...uh...keep that in mind."

Lucinda smiled as they saw the excited figure of (Y/N).

"Hello, dearie. We brought snacks today for a change."

All the cookie's in the house shouted with glee before they zoomed over. (Y/N) helped all the cookies that were in the house up into the dining room table. There Lucinda and Octavia laid out the (F/D) onto the table and allowed everyone to grab a bite. Even Tighnari was able to sneak a little something after giving (Y/N) puppy dog eyes.

"It's a good thing you have this Monday off from school. Now we can figure out what to tell your teachers about where you were the whole time." Lucinda said

Octavia nodded, "Yeah... I don't think they'll believe you when you say you turned into a cookie, got transported to a video game and got turned into a fox monster."

"Yeah... but I think I know what to say."

"What is that, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) looked around at every single cookie on the dining table. They glanced over at Custarm cream lll and Poison Mushroom cookie who smiled.

"That I got to spend my time with my littlest of joys."

THE END!!!!!

A/N: I just want to say thank you so much for everyone who has read my story. You guys  help motivate me with all the fanart in comments. I originally wrote this because I didn't see any good cookie run kingdom fanfictions. But then as the more people came
to read it, it made me realize how much this story meant to people. Thank you guys so much and please look out for the next fanfic. I'll give one hint~


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