Chapter 18: Garden

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(Y/N) had started getting the hand of their new body. They had gotten lessons from Custard Cream lll and they were able to make their mind believe that they are just constantly on their tiptoes. This made it a little easier for (Y/N) to find balance and start to move around. Of course, to all the other cookies (Y/N) looked like a baby trying to walk and find balance.

But hey at least they didn't have to ride if Crunchy Chip's wolf all the time.

Now it was time for (Y/N) to continue their journey into this new world. What was this next step? SCHOOL!!

But not exactly, (Y/N) had wobbled their way to the main castle where they were called upon by the great three.

"Nice to see you (Y/N), I hope all is going well," Hollyberry Cookie asked, as they watched the new cookie fumble towards an open seat.

"It's alright. Thankfully the kingdom is big enough for me to find a place to sleep in but It's still taking time to adjust the fact that I'm here now."

"Well. I hope your adjustment goes smoothly and that you don't run into any trouble while you continue your stay here."

(Y/N) bowed at Dark Cacao's wishes. "Thank you, your majesty. Now if I may ask why I have been called here?"

"Yes." Pure Vanilla cookie said, "As I have told you and that you have displayed, you have radiating magic ever since you have come into our world. Your help to rebuild the kingdom as truly a sight to behold but we need to further fully understand you magic, more specifically what type."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "What type?"

Pure Vanilla cookie nodded, "Indeed. As I'm sure you have seen that even though all Cookie have magic in a way, we all have a certain type of magic and abilities that we specialize in. For example, I have magic that is useful for healing, while others have magic useful for attacks."

Pure Vanilla cookie gestured to the two cookies besides him, "There are those who use their magic to help enhance their weapons such as a sword and shield. And finally there are those whose uses magic to specialize in catching the enemy off the guard and attacking them in great numbers."

Pure Vanilla cookie walked over to the (Y/A) year old, "All these cookies, despite their differences in magic and abilities are able to come together and fight if the time comes to that. Now where do you fit in all of this (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) gulped as they felt on the spot by the sudden question. That's like asking where do you fit in society, and of course no one has a clear answer for that. Especially in an unknown world, (Y/N) definitely felt like they couldn't answer because they aren't even from this world.

They felt like they had eyes all around them as the pressure grew to answer the question, but those eyes disappeared at the sound of a chuckle.

(Y/N) jumped when they felt a sudden hand on their right shoulder, they turned to see the mage with the small smile on his face.

"You don't need to respond, that question was rhetorical."


"And besides, you will not be alone in this process as all, you will have the help of not only us but the many cookies of this very kingdom."

(Y/N) smiled back at the healers words, not only would they be using magic they will have the ability to learn the magic they specialize in with not only their old cookie friends but new ones as well.

"Thank you for everything, Pure Vanilla cookie. And you too Hollyberry and Dark Cacao Cookie. Without you guys alone with Custard Cream lll and the others I wouldn't know where I would be."

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