Chapter 8: Fun in the water

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It was now Wednesday and (Y/N) was slowly starting to come down from the high they were on with the fact that these characters from a video games were a part of their life now.

But that didn't mean they didn't get extremely excited and happy when a few decided to stop by. Like today when (Y/N) got home from school.

They sighed after locking the door and as they were about to turn around, they stopped as the sound of running water hit their ears.

(Y/N) dropped their bag before zooming to the kitchen. Only to discover there was absolutely no movement. The sink wasn't the source of water that was currently gushing out.

There could only be one other place.

(Y/N) rushed to the bathroom to discover not only was the facet to the bathtub on but it was gushing water at such a fast rate that the tub was on the brink of overflowing.

(Y/N) squealed as the y rushed and quickly cut off the water. The water quickly turned from splashing tides to still  after the faucet turned off. Thankfully no water fell out of the tub and no mess was made.

After catching their breath from the sudden adrenaline, they looked at the culprit.

"Hey why did you cut off my water?" Sorbet shark cookie asked, peaking his head out of the water.

He was currently in his shark form and thankfully had the ability to speak.

"Hello. Sorbet shark cookie. I only did that because any more water and my house would have been a mess."

Sorbet shark whined, "Aww but it was so cool how it was coming out of that thing like that? It's like you have your very own water fall!"

(Y/N) chuckled, "Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Well I'll tell you this water is nothing like the water back at home." Captain Caviar Cookie said, also taking a dip.

While (Y/N) would not only be concern but also disgusted that these cookies would become soggy. They remembered that these cookies are particularly water types and if memory serves them correctly there was one more.


(Y/N) jumped at the.... Voice? That appeared on the edge of the tub.

Caviar cookie jumped out of the tub, "They said they never seen a body of water this clear before."

(Y/N) got down to the cookies level, "Oh. Yes well these are very common in the human world. They come in various sizes and lengths." Candy Diver Cookie giddily stomped their feet, as if getting excited at the idea of various tubs, "Did you guys get here with Wizard cookie as well?"

Captain Caviar cookie nodded, "Yep. As soon as I heard about this human. I wanted to see it for myself so I invited Cookie to join."

Candy Diver Cookie raised their arm in salute as if to confirm this.

"But as he was transporting us, we got a little strangler with us." Caviar cookie said, referring to the other cookie in the tub who was rubbing his head in embarrassment.

"Well either way, I'm glad you came but please let me know next time you want to come. Wouldn't want the house to fill with water."

Or have my parents scream at me for why the water bill is so high.

"And what's that thing behind you kid?" Captain Caviar pointed to the toilet.

(Y/N) looked over to where he was pointing before turning back, "Oh it's what we human call a toilet. It's a place where you do business and when it flushes it's like a whirl pool and takes all the waste into the sewers. Why do you ask?"

"Well because the kid is about to go for a dip."

"WAIT WHAT?!" (Y/N) screamed as the saw Candy Diver cookie jump off the handle, causing the toilet to flush and dived right into the whirling pool.

"NOOOOO." (Y/N) grabbed a plunger, before sticking it into the toilet and pushing it with all their might.

Once the toilet finally finished, (Y/N) lifted the plunger and to their horror, nothing remained inside.

"I lost them. I lost Candy Diver Cookie." (Y/N) felt tears begin to form in their eyes, "Oh my god. I lost them. Why did I leave the toilet open!"

"⚫️🔘⚪️⚫️⚪️🔘⚪️."  A familiar voice called out.

(Y/N) gasped as they looked inside the plunger to see a very disoriented looking Candy diver cookie, who's candy's eyes were not in the correct place.

(Y/N) held their hand out as Candy Diver cookie hit their helmet and put their eyes back into place. They then jumped on the humans hand.

"They said, that was fun and they want to do it again."

(Y/N) shook their head, "Nope! In fact, let's find another body of water to play in."

Sorbet Shark cookie whined as (Y/N) put their hand down to let the shark hop onto.

"Let play in the sink instead. It's like the tub but smaller and safer." (Y/N) then scooped up the remaining cookie and all four ventured to the kitchen.

"OoOoOOoOooOo." Sorbet shark cookie said, now in his cookie form.

(Y/N) turned towards the captain, "You wouldn't by any chance be able to translate shark speech would you."

Caviar cookie chuckled, "Sorry kid. I may also be a sea cookie but even I can only go so far."

(Y/N) sighed, "Well thats fine. At least I have one person... uh Cookie to talk to."

(Y/N) placed all three cookies down before placing a stopper in the kitchen sink and turning the water on.

"Hey you guys want to see something cool." (Y/N) asked, as Sorbet Shark cookie oooed in response and Candy Diver cookie saluted once more.

(Y/N) grabbed dish soap and put it near where the water was dropping inside the sink. Soon bubbles began to form as all three cookies watched in amazement.

Captain Caviar cookie reached out to grab some one the bubble foam, "Wow. I've never seen anything like this. It's building up so much."

Sorbet Shark cookie also proceeded to grab some before stuffing it into his mouth.

(Y/N) watched in amusement as the shark cookie gagged and spit out the bubbles. Candy Diver cookie was also curious about the substance but forgot they didn't have a mouth so when they also went to try to taste the foam they banged their head against the glass of their helmet.

Both (Y/N) and Captain Caviar cookie laughed before the human stopped the water and the diver and shark cookie happily jumped in.

"Hey (Y/N) what's this switch do." Captain Caviar cookie said, flicking a switch right by the sink.

"Oh, that's a switch for.... WAIT THATS THE GARABGE DISPOSAL!"

No cookies were hurt in the making of this chapter.

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