The beginning of the story (part. 3)

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The stranger: I'm Jeromy. Jeromy Valin."
Hailey: "oh Jeromy are you visiting Gotham? Or did you just move here?"
Jeromy: "um actually."
As Jeromy was about to tell her. The school bell started to ring.
Hailey: "uh. Sorry I have to go. But it was nice meeting you."
As Hailey was racing to school. One of the girls tripped her.
Brittany Gold: "Ladies and Gentleman I  like to introduce you to the freak herself. Hailey Jester. Or known as the clown freak of Gotham City.
Hailey: "Brittany Gold still not able to choke your words out uh."
Brittany made an evil eye right at Hailey.
Brittany Gold: "if I were you Ms, Jester. I find a new school or maybe a new family. While you are at it. Because everyone knows no one's going to love you. Or accept you for who you are."
Brittany walked away while flipping her gorgeous blonde hair in Hailey's face.
As Hailey entered the class. She noticed a visitor. It was billionaire Thomas Wayne sitting in her classroom. Thomas Wayne is the billionaire of Gotham City.
The teacher: "class I like you to meet billionaire Thomas Wayne."
Thomas Wayne: " It's a pleasure So I'll be leaving Gotham soon."
The teacher: "oh where are you going Mr, Wayne?"
Thomas Wayne: "I'm going to an island called Switzerland."
The teacher: " oh so you'll be gone for a while uh."
Thomas Wayne: " why yes I will. I'll be gone for seven years is what I'm looking for. I'll be meeting with someone in Switzerland to make some improvements while I'm there."
The teacher: "that must be exciting. Will we hope you have a great trip?"
Thomas Wayne bowed to the teacher like a gentleman.
Thomas Wayne: "why thank you. See you all in seven years."
The teacher: "Will it was nice seeing you Mr, Wayne."
As Thomas Wayne left. The teacher continues teaching her class."
As 8 hours passed and school was over. Hailey started heading back to her home. To probably reason with her parents. And have a mild talk with them.
Hailey gasped while walking. She wondered in her mind that maybe everyone was right. Maybe she is a freak.
As Hailey was walking. She ran right into the same person. She had ran into this morning.
Hailey: "Jeromy!.. what are you doing?"
Jeromy: "oh I was just heading to the library. Do you wanna join me?"
Jeromy offered her to join him. Hailey smiled sweetly at him.
Hailey: "of course."
As Hailey was walking with Jeromy to the library. Hailey wanted to know some indications things about Jeromy. Why was he in Gotham? Where did he come from? Where's his family? And Hailey knew she was going to get it now.
Hailey: "so why are you in Gotham?"
Jeromy smiled while taking Hailey's hand. Making Hailey flustered.
Jeromy: "come on. I'll show you."

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now