The beginning of the story (part. 22)

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Hailey: "okay."
Hailey clutches her hand on Dennis's chest to calm herself down.
As they both walked into Jeromy's home. Snake-scale outfits were hanging up. And there was also a 70s vintage brown handbag hanging on an old vintage lounge chair. There were also old photos hanging around the room.
There was an old photo of a little boy holding a bat in the air. With both his front teeth missing. It looked like it was probably taking in 1971 or maybe 1973.
Hailey started expressing friendliness on her face.
Jeromy walked right beside her. And Carefully placed his hand on her shoulder.
Jeromy: "that's me. When I was eight years old. Back in 1972."
Hailey: "oh... You're so cute. I love how you're holding the bat in the photo. Like you're about to start a fight with someone."
Hailey laughed with her bright cheerful smile.
Jeromy: "thanks. You have a beautiful smile and laugh too."
Hailey: "why thank you."
Hailey said while flirting with him. And placed her hand on her chest.
Dennis: "okay. Will... I'll go see what Haly wants. And you two can continue talking. Or what the hell you two are doing right now?"
As Dennis lifts. Both Jeromy and Hailey we're busy looking at his family photos.
But suddenly Hailey spotted a really pretty lady. While holding a bouquet.
Hailey: "is that your Aunt?"
Jeromy smiled softly. Then went from a joyful smile to a sorrowful look.
Jeromy: "no that's my mother. Penny Napier."
Hailey: "she's beautiful..."
Hailey looked at Jeromy's face. And smiling while holding his hand. Jeromy started to feel a little bit flustered.
Hailey: " you know. You got her nose."
Jeromy continued smiling at Hailey. While still holding tight to her hand.
It seemed like hours or maybe more. But Hailey and Jeromy were holding hands and walking around the house looking at family photos.
Jeromy pointed at a photo of two people.
Hailey: "who are those people?"
Jeromy: "oh those people. You might know them. That's Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane."
Hailey went from Joy to being confused.
Hailey: "why do you have a photo of Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane in your house?"
Jeromy: "Will... my Aunt used to be close friends with them. But they went to Switzerland. And happened came back yet."
Hailey: "hold on. You know the Wayne family."
Jeromy: "Will it's a very long story."
Hailey gave him a dirty look and stopped to pull his arm toward the couch while smiling.
Hailey: "Okay I'll make you a deal. If you tell me the story. I'll mmm... I'll let you kiss me."
Jeromy blinked his eyes twice to make sure he wasn't dreaming this.
Jeromy: "what!"
Hailey: " I mean if you don't want to kiss me. Then that's fine."
Jeromy blurted out: "deal!"
Hailey made a flustered look. Her heart started to race like a racecar driver.
Jeromy: "okay. So the reason why my aunt knows them. Because a couple of years ago. When I was probably six years old at the time. My aunt met with Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane. Before they were married. He needs someone to help create the Wayne foundation. But all the people who were in it quit. So they turned to my aunt. Who was part of the Wayne foundation."

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now