The Power of Jane Fool (page. 64)

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Hailey: "Mom, I have a question for you."
Hailey began, absently rubbing her belly.
Hailey: "When I was born, was I... Was I born with a weird condition or anything like that?"
Her mother furrowed her brow, a concerned look crossing her face.
Kristen Jester-Melon: "A weird condition? Whatever do you mean, dear?"
Hailey hesitated, unsure of how to broach the subject.
Hailey: "Well, I've been having these... blackouts. I'll suddenly wake up in a strange place, and I can hear this laughing like a clown laughing. And it's as if I'm the clown in my dream like I'm seeing things from its perspective."
Her mother looked at her in stunned silence for a moment.
Kristen Jester-Melon: 'A clown? Blackouts"
Hailey: "Are you sure the flashbacks are nothing? Because sometimes I don't feel normal. I just want to know why?"
She said, a hint of fear in her voice.
Her mother reached out and squeezed Hailey's hand reassuringly.
Kristen Jester-Melon: "I just don't want to see you get hurt."
As Hailey and her mother finished talking, Hailey realized it was late so she hurried upstairs with her stuff and headed to bed. She laid down on her soft old bed, closed her eyes, and drifted off into a deep sleep.
As Hailey went to sleep, the nightmare of her father's murder continued to haunt her in her dreams. She tossed and turned with her pregnant belly, reliving the horrible moment when she found his lifeless body. The image flashed through her mind the blood, the stillness, the overwhelming sense of loss.
In her dream, Hailey cried out, begging her father to come back. But he remained motionless, his eyes staring vacantly. The details are just out of reach no matter how hard she tried to focus.
Hailey woke with a start, her heart pounding the nightmare had felt so red. She reached for the light, needing to reassure herself. That it was just a dream. But the memory of her father's murder lingered a dark cloud that refused to lift. Hailey knew she would not find rest until she could figure out her dream.
As Hailey stepped through the night the maniac laugh began again.
As Hailey heard it, she felt a chill run down her spine. The whisper of the laugh in her mind seemed to be getting louder and more sinister with each minute. She tried to brush them off as just her imagination running wild, but deep down, she knew there was something darker at play.
But as Hailey faded again into the dark place beneath her unconscious, Hazley was going wild. Hailey was running through a dark forest, the trees looming over her like monstrous specters. The ground beneath her feet felt spongy and wet as if she was trending through a swamp.
Hailey could hear a fainting voice in the wind, calling her name. She felt a sense of urgency as if she was being chased by something unseen. The shadows danced around her, morphing into sinister shapes that made her heart pound in her chest.
But as Hailey was in her conscience mind. Hazley was killing and murdering her mother and stepfather in a blood way. The darkness surrounded her, the air thick with the metallic scent of blood. She gripped the knife tightly in her hand.

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