The Power of Jane Fool (page. 72)

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The clinking of the guard's keys echoed through the cell, a constant reminder of the freedom she had lost.
As Hailey looked at her plate of breakfast feeling unease and sorrow. It hit her that had lost her appetite and was struggling to find joy in even the simplest things.
As Hailey tried to eat her breakfast. She was interrupted by the police guard who came up to her cell.
Police guard: "Miss. Jester, you have visited."
Hailey sighed, set her fork down, and followed the guard to visit a lion area.
Hailey: "Who is it?"
Police guard: "She says her name is Ella. She's a friend of yours."
As the police guard talked to Hailey through the cell.
Hailey couldn't believe it. Ella was one of her close friends. She knew that Ella would do everything in her power to help her in this situation. With tears of gratitude in her eyes, Hailey thanked Ella for coming to her aid.
As Ella went to visit Hailey in prison. She greeted her.
Ella: "Hello, Hailey. How are you holding up here?"
Hailey: "Will has been called a crazy insane lunatic. And in prison for murder. And I'm pregnant so yeah feeling great."
Ella was shocked by Hailey's revelation and tried to find the right words to offer her support.
Ella: "So I'm guessing life in prison is not so hot."
Hailey: "Nope."
She said while sitting on the bed and talking with Ella.
Hailey: "Yeah, it's definitely not ideal."
Hailey replied with a resigned smile.
Ella: "So I came here to talk to you about something that happened."
Hailey nodded, a look of curiosity on her face.
Hailey: "What's going on?"
Ella: "Will...Will you know I've been looking for who my father was for a year?"
Hailey: "Yeah."
Ella: "Will I found him."
Hailey: "Oh my god, Ella that's incredible! What did he say?"
Ella: "He didn't say anything. I'm still trying to wait for a call from the Gotham Orphanage."
Hailey: "That's so frustrating. I hope you hear from them soon. I have a good feeling about this Ella."
Ella: "I hope so... Hey I have a question. Have heard of a man named Jas..."
As Ella was about to finish. She was interrupted by the police guard.
Police guard: "Miss, times up."
Ella's heart sank as she was abruptly cut off by the police guard. She glanced back at him with a mixture of frustration and desperation, hoping for just a few more moments to ask her critical question. But the guard's stern expression made it clear that her time was indeed up.
Ella: "Okay...bye Hailey. I'll talk to you about it soon, okay?"
Hailey, while sitting in her prison cell, watched Ella reluctantly end their conversation with a heavy heart. As Ella left. Hailey was left alone with her thoughts, replaying their conversation in her mind. Despite the distance and circumstances separating them, Hailey found solace in the promise of future conversation with Ella, holding onto the hope that their bond would endure even the toughest of challenges, with a whisper.
Hailey: "Of course, bye Ella."
Hailey closed her eyes, drawing strength from their fleeting connection as she faced the stark reality of her confinement.
As Ella left, the sound of her footsteps echoing down the corridor slowly faded away. Hailey made her way to the small window, a sliver of freedom in an otherwise stark and confined space.

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