The beginning of the story (part. 30)

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As the Acrobats finished off with a flip in the air.
Hailey noticed yelling coming from outside. It sounded like a woman screaming in fear.
Hailey (whispered): "Hey Jeromy... What the?"
Hailey asked about the noise.
Jeromy (whispered): "Oh that... Probably some idiot clown-starting little girls."
He said while continuing to hold the robe.
Hailey started to think that maybe Jeromy was right. Maybe it was just an idiot clown scaring teenage girls around the place. Plus we are at the Circus. But still, all of the Lloyds were inside the tent waiting for their turn. So was exactly making someone scream.
And that's where it hints at her. The circus is right below Gotham Bridge. We're most of the criminals, rapists and cannibals come to a go. They pick off the homeless more than people on the street. Plus there was a sign that some guy dressed up like business has been picking up miners. As in teenagers girls up to thirteen to seventeen years old. Kind of like Hailey.
But it didn't matter long as they didn't appear at the circus and start shooting. That's okay.
But as the show was about to finish. There was this big loud girly screaming outside.
Everyone started to look at each other and then at Uncle Haly.
C.C. Haly: "Sorry ladies and gentlemen sorry about the noise. We will find out what is in just a minute. But right now let's bring out the crazy clown family... Let me introduce you to Owen Lloyd and his clown family.
As Owen and the rest of the clowns came on. Hailey ran right by me and Jeromy.
C.C. Hailey: "Jeromy, Hailey have you guys seen Lily?"
Hailey/Jeromy: "No"
Jeromy: "Why what happened?"
C.C. Haly: "I don't know. All I know is that she was outside smoking. And then I heard screaming."
Jeromy and both Hailey looked at each other panic in their eyes.
Hailey: "Do you want one of us to look for her?"
Haly looked around the tent and at the bunch of people watching.
C.C. Haly: "Will I can't I have to stay do the show. Can you guys go see please?"
Jeromy: "Sure."
Hailey: "Absolutely."
C.C. Haly: "Okay John, Dennis. Can you guys hold? Because I'm going to have Jeromy and Hailey look for Lily for me."
John Grayson: "Okay."
Dennis Jester: "Okay yeah sure."
As Dennis and John toke the robe from Hailey and Jeromy.
Hailey and Jeromy both ran outside to look for her.
Hailey: "Okay so where do we look?"
Jeromy looked around with a worried look in his eyes.
Jeromy: "I don't know. But sometimes she likes to smoke away from the tent."
Hailey: "Because doesn't want to set the place on fire."
Jeromy: "Uh-um yeah sure."
He said looking confused and worried at the same time.
Both Hailey and Jeromy started to walk toward the bridge.
Hailey: "That's probably where the noise came from."
Jeromy: "Possible... But who would be out at night in Gotham?"
Hailey: "Weirdos, criminals, or possibly a sleepwalker."
Jeromy: "A sleepwalker. Do you mean somnambulism?"
Hailey: "Same thing."
Both Hailey and Jeromy continued to walk around the place.

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now