The beginning of the story (part. 34)

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As Dennis and Hailey arrived back at the trailer.
But as Hailey was getting ready to go into the trailer. Dennis slowly walked back to his trailer.
But when Hailey was about to go inside. Jeromy came running after Hailey.
Jeromy: "Hey Hailey. Are you doing anything tomorrow? I was wondering if maybe you want to go to Pamela's cafe for breakfast. I've never been there. But I heard the food good there."
Hailey: "I've been there once with my father. But I guess. Sure. I'll go with you."
Jeromy: "Okay then will meet there at 8:30 a.m."
Hailey: "Okay... goodnight Jeromy."
But as Hailey was about to go inside. Hailey decided to run towards Jeromy grabbed his face into her hands and smacked her lips onto her lips. She kissed him like everything was peaceful. There were no sounds, no noises around. Just her and Jeromy. Hailey pushed away from him and smiled softly at him. Jeromy opened his eyes to see Hailey smiling softly at him.
Hailey: "Goodnight Jeromy."
Hailey smiled and walked inside.
Jeromy smiled and felt the light of his heart lit up. But he didn't know what it was.
"Goodnight then," Jeromy replied.
Jeromy: "That was weird." he said while walking away.
Hailey smiled softly while holding the door halfway closed to see Jeromy leave. Haley peeked through his bedroom door. And softly asked Hailey.
Haly: "Hey, sweet. Are you going to bed?"
Hailey gasped in her voice tone.
Hailey: "uh... yes. Sorry, I was just getting to bed right now."
Haly smiled softly and closed his door slightly. Hailey gently pulled her bag of clothes into her room and began organizing them. She shut her door closed. And began pulling off her clothes. And slipped on her red bloody nightgown.
She started to realize how much she missed her dad. But not much of her mother.
Hailey started to feel calm again. She was like when she was a kid. All of the sounds. The Tragic nightmares. We're all gone Hailey felt free again.
(few days past)
It was March 30, 1982
Hailey has only been staying with her uncle for a while now. But it seems like she has been staying with him for a whole year. Maybe that's how time feels like when you don't worry about other things.
Hailey was getting for tomorrow. Because tomorrow was Hailey's birthday
April 1, which meant Hailey was almost closer to being an adult. Hailey was putting up ribbons and bows around the trailer. To make sure it was perfect.
Dennis: "You Sis. ain't me and Jeromy supports to do. Is this stuff for you?"
Hailey: "Yeah like that's going to happen. Besides standing around and letting you guys have all the fun. Nope."
Dennis and Hailey smiled at each other. Jeromy walked over with more ribbons and balloons too.
Hailey slowly turned around and gave him a sweet wave.
Hailey: "Hi, sweet."
Jeromy: "Hello, dollface."
Jeromy said while walking toward Hailey. He slowly kissed her softly and gently on the lips.
(And yes doing those years Hailey and Jeromy did start to date.)
Jeromy whispered in Hailey's ear.
Jeromy: "Happy birthday Gorgeous."

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now