The beginning of the story (part. 17)

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C.C. Haly: "well I'm glad you two met. He's a good kid. But his uncle and Aunt are the ones that need to be watched."
Hailey: "Jeromy never mentioned that he lived with his Uncle and Aunt."
C.C. Haly: "yeah he does. He lives in the circus with his Uncle Oswald and his Aunt Lily. Lily's are snake dancer. And Oswald's are fortune tellers."
Hailey: "oh. But what about his Mother and Father?"
Hailey curiously wondered.
C.C. Haly: "oh well I only heard this from his Aunt. But I never met his Mother. All I know is that she got into trouble a lot. And was an alcoholic and drug attic. But on January 12, 1964. She met a man name Philip Nicholson and got pregnant with two twin boys a couple of days later.
Hailey: "twins? Wait are you telling me that Jeromy is a twin?"
C.C. Haly: "yes. But since both his parents are alcoholics and drug attics too. His Aunt and uncle thought it is safe for Jeromy to live with them and not them."
Hailey: "but what about the other one?"
C.C. Haly: "the other one. Got stuck with his parents sadly."
Hailey: "what was his Mother's and his twin brother's name?"
C.C Haly: "Will his Mother's name is Penelope "Penny" White and his twin brother's name is Jack Nicholson."
Hailey: "Have you ever met his twin brother? Jack Nicholson."
Hailey asked with a calm sweet tone.
C.C. Haly: "no. But I've heard so much about him. By his Aunt and Uncle. There sometimes they visit him. But they stop a long time ago."
Hailey: "why?"
C.C. Haly: "Will as I told you both his parents are alcoholics and drug attics. So they threatened them to stay away from him. So Jack and Jeromy have never seen each other."
Hailey put her head down fighting back her tears.
Hailey: "and possibly will never get to see each other ever again."
C.C. Haly: "yeah but both their Aunt and Uncle and their parents don't get along. So they punished the boys. Because of them."
Hailey: "seriously scourging someone. Just because their family doesn't get along."
Hailey felt like she was constituted floating around in space.
Hailey: "hold on maybe I can help."
C.C. Haly: "really how?"
Hailey: "well Jeromy asked me if I wanted to go with him to the circus. But I haven't asked him yet. So how about I make proponents."
C.C. Haly: "proponents? How?"
Hailey: "how about I go with you now to the circus to surprise him? Plus it's almost February. The year of love and romance. And my birthday isn't until three more months and forty-seven days. Until my birthday. So how about that?"
Hailey's father (Jason Caller) looked a little confused about what his Daughter had said.
Jason caller: "hey do you really wanna go? You're going to make your mother prohibition about you going with your uncle."
Hailey: "so if I treat mom with disrespect. And debased to her. She made my life suffer too much. So I want to get away from her. So please Dad let me go with uncle Haly."
Both Haly and Jason both made a promulgate smile at each other.

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now