The Mistress Jester (page. 75)

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In the darkness, Hailey's thoughts drifted to what lay ahead the uncertainty of her future, the trials she would have to endure. But even in this moment of despair, a spark of determination flickered within her. She would not let these circumstances define her. She would hold on to the escapism that the book had offered, using it as a shield against the harsh realities of her confinement.
With a deep breath, Hailey closed her eyes, summoning the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead. The words of the book murmured in her mind, offering comfort and courage in the face of adversity. And as she drifted off to sleep, she clung to the hope that one day, like the characters in her beloved story, she too would find her own path to freedom.
(December 7, 1982)
As days passed, it was December 7, and Hailey woke up to the sound of screaming inmates. She stretched and Morand over the echoes of the prison walls. Hailey quickly got up to look out the small window.
As Hailey sat on her bed thinking about how much she missed her father, a single tear rolled down her cheek. It had been a few days since he had been murdered by Hazley. But the pain of his absence still weighed heavily on her heart.
Hailey remembered the way her father would always greet her with a big hug and a warm smile, no matter how her day had gone. He had been her biggest supporter, always encouraging her dreams and celebrating her accomplishments. Now without him there, a piece of her felt incomplete.
As she wiped away the tear, Hailey reached over to the bedside take, to grab her photographic book. She traced her fingers over her father's face. Wishing she could hear his comforting voice one more time.
Hailey stepped over to the window, peering outside at a fur of activity that caught her attention. As she looked out, she heard all kinds of noises as birds chirping, sirens, and people yelling at each other on the streets. Will that be what you get for a living in a place like Gotham?
The sound of chaos made Hailey feel like she really was a true villain. She couldn't help but smirk at the destruction unfolding around her.
Hailey: "Hazley killed my parents. But I'm also Hazley."
Unknown voice: "No your not Hailey."
She frantically looked around her cell, searching for the source of the second voice.
Hailey: "Who's there."
Unknown voice: "Hey it's me your other half, Hallie. I'm the gentle wise one."
But Hailey could feel a sense of dread creeping over her as she realized the truth about herself.
Hailey: "Let me guess you my other personality... yep knew it. Will I guess this makes you Dr. Jekyll and Hazley Mr. Hyde?"
Hallie chuckled softly in her tone.
Hallie: "You could say that. But remember, we are both a part of you. It's up to you to decide which side of yourself you want to embrace.
Hailey thought about what Hallie said.
After a moment of contemplation, she decided to confront her inner demons and find a balance between her two conflicting selves.
Hallie: "So just remember you are Hailey fucking Jester. You make your own decisions."
With newfound determination, Hailey nodded to herself.

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now