The Mistress Jester (page. 76)

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Hailey: "You're right, Hallie. I am in control of my own destiny. And I will not let my dark side consume me."
From that day Hailey decided she would choose to be who she wanted to be. If she wants to be a villain or a hero. It was her choice.
With that realization, Hailey embraced her dual nature, determined to write her own story and forge her own path, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.
As Hailey sat in her prison cell reading her books and rubbing her pregnant belly.
She couldn't help but wonder how she had ended up here and what the future held for her and her unborn child.
The police guard looked at her with a stern expression.
Police guard: "Miss. Jester, you have a present."
Hailey: "From who?"
Police guard: "I don't know they just said to give this to you."
Hailey opened the envelope and saw a letter inside with no return address. She unfolded it and began to read, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
As Hailey read the letter, it made her feel even more puzzled she scanned the page multiple times, searching for any clue as to who could have sent it, but to her dismay, there was no name or signature to be found.
As Hailey opened the present, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the leather brown jacket with 'Valin' embroidered on it. She couldn't believe it, this was Jeromy's jacket and her mind raced with questions about how it ended up in her possession.
Hailey took off her orange prison shirt. And put on Jeromy's jacket.
The jacket enveloped her in its familiar scent, instantly Transporting her back to memories of Jeromy and their time together. Hailey felt a sense of comfort and strength wash over her as she tied her orange prison shirt around her waist, a tangible connection to the life she was leaving behind.
As Hailey wore Jeromy's jacket, she began to hug it tightly, feeling the warmth and familiarity it brought. With tears welling up in her eyes.
Hailey whispered softly: "I love you so so much."
The words echoed in the confines of her prison cell, carrying the weight of emotions for the boy she held dear.
Hailey continued to wear Jeromy's jacket, finding solace and strength in its presence as she navigated the challenges of her days in prison. It became her shield against the harsh realities of her confinement, a reminder of the love and connection that sustained her through the toughest of times.
(December 21, 1982)
More days started to pass, and Hailey started to feel increasingly nauseated. She tried to push through, but the sickness only seemed to worsen with each passing day, leaving her warded about her own health and the well-being of her unborn child. Desperation mingled with fear as she struggled to find a way to address her worsening condition within the confines of her cell.
Hailey continued to sit in her prison cell reading books, finding solace and escape in the imaginary words they allowed her to explore. The familiar stories offered a brief respite from the harsh reality of her confinement, transporting her to different places and times where she could momentarily forget her worries and immerse herself in the power of words.

Hailey, Hallie and Hazley vol. 1 The beginning Where stories live. Discover now