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Belle feels her mind waking up just as she hears shouting.

"Belle! Get up!" she heard the Doctor yell, and then felt someone pick her up. She wipes her eyes as she is being held by one hand because the other was occupied by a water gun. She jumps out of the Doctor's arm as they see a giant fire-monster towering over them.

"What the hell is going on?" shouts Belle as she sees Caecilius's family panicking and Donna being taken away by people she didn't see before. Belle runs after Donna.

"Don't take her away!" Belle shouts. "She's my best friend!"

She's cut off by some of the girls coming over to her and getting a rope from their pockets. She is knocked out once again, but this time by a fist on her head. The only thing Donna could think of was what was with Belle and passing out?


Belle groans as she is awakened by a hand pressed on her temple. She opens her eyes to see that the Doctor was there. She feels a wisp of air and sees some golden particles go to the top of her head.

"You were knocked out cold," the Doctor says, "we couldn't get you up."

"So much for a first adventure in the TARDIS," Belle murmurs as she sees Donna staring at the two, her arms crossed.

"Doctor, you better save those people," Donna says, tears streaming down her face.

"Is... is the volcano erupting happening already?" Belle asks the Doctor. He nods.

"You can't just leave them!" Donna says. The Doctor has a pained look on his face.

"You've got to go back. Doctor, I am telling you, take this thing back. It's not fair. We can care about Belle later."

"Oi," Belle says, glaring at Donna, but she knew Donna wasn't joking.

"No, it's not."

"But your own planet. It burned."

"That's just it. Don't you see, Donna? Can't you understand? If I could go back and save them, then I would. But I can't. I can never go back. I can't. I just can't, I can't."

"Just someone! Please. Not the whole town. Just save someone!"


"What did you do to heal me?" Belle asks the Doctor as they stand with Caecilius's family as Pompeii goes up in flames. The air whooshes past her face. Her hair reaches her eyes and she tries to get it out of the way.

"Regeneration energy," he tells her. "Helps heal things quickly."

Silence. "Thanks," she murmurs. He nods. "You didn't have to do that, though."

"You're my responsibility now," he told her. "I made a promise to myself when we arrived here, that I'd take care of you because I did that to you."

"It's going to be hard not hating you," she tells him. "Because of what you did. Leaving me in two thousand six."

"I guess this is a way of apologizing," the Doctor tells her. "I'm... sorry. I wasn't in the right state, and..."

"I get it," Belle says, turning to him. "... does this mean we're friends?"

"Well finally," Donna says, coming over, interrupting the moment. "About time you two made up. I've been waiting for this all day."

"Shut up Donna," Belle murmurs.

"Yeah. We can be friends. Does that mean I get to call you Belle?"

Belle nods. "Fine. If that's what you want."


Hi! Sorry for the short chapter, and sorry for the many times she's passed out. I promise it won't happen again soon. But I can't promise it won't happen again at all. I hope you enjoyed the Fires of Pompeii episode. I am not going to do Planet of the Ood, but I will have an original chapter next time. I'm not sure how long it will be. It might be two chapters. I will let you know, but if you keep reading you'll know how long it will continue until. Keep a look out for these author notes because there will be some confusing things I will need to clarify. Thanks for reading!

<3 Liv

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