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Warning: short chapter.

"The Doctor, you've broken the House Rules. Big Brother has no choice but to evict you. You have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're going to get you!"

"That's more like it. Come on, then. Open up!"

"You're insane, Doctor!" Belle tells him.

"You're mad! It's like you want to die," Lynda says.

Strood says, "I reckon he's a plant. He was only brought in to stir things up."

"The Doctor, please leave the Big Brother house," Davina says.

The Doctor runs into the white corridor. Belle runs after him.

"What are you doing? Get back, Izzy –"

"No. I'm doing this with you. Now get in," Belle tells him. He rolls his eyes and grabs her hand, leading her in.

"Come on then, disintegrate us! Come on, what're you waiting for?"

"He is, he's mad. He's bonkers," says Lynda. "You're bonkers as well, Izzy!"

Belle gets dizzy for a second, but tries to feel okay. She fails and almost faints into the Doctor's arms. "Woah there, you okay?"

"I'm – I'm fine," Belle stutters. "Are you?"

"You're the one we should be worrying about here . . . hey, what – where –"

Belle starts to fade before he says anything else. She arrives in an unfamiliar place, but then sees Nazi symbols before her eyes. She's in Hitler's office.

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