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I normally don't put these authors notes up here (as you can tell lol). I just wanted to say get your tissues when you come close to the end of the chapter.

Enjoy! (... I'm sure you won't with this chapter.... *insert cringe emoji*)


"I'm going to need a packed lunch," the Doctor announces as they enter the rotunda.

"Hang on," River says.

"What's in that book?"

"Spoilers," River and Ave say.

"Who are you two?" The Doctor asks.

"Professor River Song, University of —"

"Ah, you're a professor now?" Ave asks. Belle's confused.

"I thought the two of you traveled the same time—"

"To me. Who are you to me, or Belle?"

"Again, spoilers. Chicken and a bit of salad. Knock yourself out," River says as she opens a lunchbox.

"Right, you lot. Let's all meet the Vashta Nerada," the Doctor says, looking at all of them.


Belle and Ave stand in the corner, obviously in light. The Doctor ordered Ave to keep an eye on Belle.

"Did you just come from the Byzantium?" Belle asks Ave as she watches the Doctor work. Ave nods.

"I have a whole list of things to go by when traveling with you. For instance, I will be going to the next place you wrote down," Ave says. "I'm still getting used to the vortex manipulator..."

"How does that work?" Belle asks. Ave gives a playful glare.

"My mum told me that I can't let you do that," Ave tells her. "Dad wouldn't like it if you knew about it either."

"You talk a lot about your dad," Belle says. She gives a smile.

"Why wouldn't I? My dad's an amazing person," Ave says. "If something were to happen to him, I... don't know what I'd do. Or my mum. She's quite special if you ask me."

"Now I hope you're not spoiling anything, Ave," River says. Ave sticks her tongue out.

"You already spoiled that they're married in the future."

"Ave! Quiet. I'm working," the Doctor shushes her. Ave rolls her eyes.

Belle hears Donna introduce herself to River. River backs up. "Donna. You're Donna Noble."

"Yeah," she says, "why?"

"Ave and I do know the Doctor, but in the future. His personal future."

"So why don't you know me? Where am I in the future?"

"Okay, got a live one. That's not darkness down those tunnels. This is not a shadow. It's a swarm. A man eating swarm," the Doctor says. He throws a chicken leg in the shadow. The meat looks like it's been eaten.

"The piranhas of the air. The Vashta Nerada. Literally, the shadows that melt the flesh. Most planets have them, but usually in small clusters. I've never seen an infestation on this scale, or this aggressive."

"What do you mean, most planets? Not Earth?" Donna asks.

"Mmm. Earth, and a billion other worlds. Where there's meat, there's Vashta Nerada. You can see them sometimes, if you look. The dust in sunbeams."

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