━━━ prologue.

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Isabelle Dunne was a curious twenty-five year old woman with blonde hair and green eyes that shined in the light. She walked home with her head high, avoiding any type of person that walked passed her because she didn't want to get robbed.

Belle didn't have time to grab a new book to take home because she had been so busy volunteering, shelving books and helping everyone try to find their own books.

She didn't mind not getting paid for it. The librarian insisted she get paid somewhat for what she had been doing, but she didn't let her.

As she turned the corner at the park near her complex, she noticed something odd. Standing near the edge of the park was a nineteen-fifties police box. She never saw that before. Curiously, she walked slowly so that she could examine it better. The windows looked bright. Belle found it odd because the police boxes were supposed to be dark on the inside, and cold.

"That's... a bit weird," she mutters to herself as she hears a small 'hum,' coming from the police box. Then as she inched closer she could hear loud sobs. Her heart broke as she heard the sobbing louder than before.

Another soft 'hum' was heard after she touched the handle of the police box. What was up... with...

The box was bigger on the inside! Belle gasped, almost dropping her purse as the door clicked open for her. The person who was sobbing looked over in fury.

"What the — are you doing here?!" shouted an almost-bald man with a northeastern accent. He also had a leather jacket on with pants. Belle stared at him, mouth agape.

"Well?" The man says, crossing his arms. "How did you get in here?!"

"I — I —"

"You know what," he says angrily, wiping some tears away as he slams his hand down on a console that he stood next to. "You've got yourself a punishment."

"A — A —"

"I've had enough of your stuttering!" shouted the man. There was a shake of the police box, scaring Belle. She jumped to the nearest railing she could find. The man shouted at the ceiling. "Shut up! No! I'm not traveling with this thick head of a woman!"

"A thick head?" Belle cries, finally not stuttering.

"Yes, that's what you are!"

Belle starts to have tears in her eyes as he flicks levers. She wants to leave now. She heads towards the door, but the police box is already in the time vortex.

"What —?"

Before she could finish her question, Ruby the man said they were there already.

"There we are. Same place, different year. London, two thousand and six."

"Two thousand and six? You're insane! It's not two thousand and six. There's no such thing as time travel!"

"Did you not just see outside those doors? The purple smoke?" The man shouts. Belle's eyes form a tear which dripped down her cheek.

"Why?" She whispers as he comes closer. He puts his hands on her shoulders, making her turn forward. He shoved her outside.

"Learn your lesson," he spats out, closing the door on her.

Belle doesn't have time to comprehend what just happened as the door closes. She doesn't hear the man running back to the console to leave before she could open the door again. She turns around just as the police box vanishes. More tears start to form in her eyes. How was she supposed to function now? Will she find a home before she could look for this man again?

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