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Belle lays on the floor of the TARDIS's library staring at the ceiling, thinking about all the events that led up to where she was today. She did have a book in her hand, but it hadn't been read in a little bit. She hears footsteps walking throughout the library.

"Belle?" shouts Amy as she tries looking for her. Belle gets up from her spot. Amy turns a corner and spots her.

"There you are," Amy says. Belle notices a tear sliding down Amy's cheek. Belle brings her in for a hug.

"I guess we're both sad today, huh?"

"That's the thing," Amy says, "I'm sad and I don't know why."

"Really?" Belle asks, thinking about Rory and what the Doctor had told her. Amy nods, but she holds up a box. A velvet box that holds a ring Rory gave to Amy when he was still alive.

"Yeah," Amy says. "Though I found this in the Doctor's coat pocket when he asked me to write that letter you two saw back then..."

"Hm," Belle says. "That's weird. We never talked about getting engaged... maybe you should put it back?"

Amy nods. "I guess you're right," she wipes a tear, "but I think I'll keep it now. Besides I think he may be angry at you..."

"Why?" Belle asks. She reaches down in her pocket to feel the Doctor's Sonic screwdriver there. She forgot she had taken it from him before she left the console room to hide in the library for a few hours.

"Oh," she says as she holds out the sonic. She acts like the Doctor and points it at Amy. Amy laughs as Belle says, "I'm going to sonic you!" The TARDIS makes a 'hum' noise as they also hear footsteps running around the library. They hear him shouting Belle and Amy's names.

"Belle! Amy!"

"Gee, for being an owner of a library, you're being very loud," Belle teases him. Amy continues to laugh while she's wiping the tear she had coming down her cheek. She had quickly placed the box in her pocket so the Doctor wouldn't see it.

The Doctor tries to grab the sonic from her hand. "Give it!" the Doctor shouts. "Belle..."

Belle slips past him and grabs Amy's hand with the hand that was free. They start to run and they both giggle as he chases after them. They reach the console room and head out of it, entering an entire different setting than what they were just at in London.

"Where is this?" Belle asks as Amy asks, "Where are we?"

"Planet One. The oldest planet in the universe. And there's a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff there's writing. Letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time. And no one knows what it says, because no one's ever translated it. Till today."

"What happens today?" Amy asks.

"First," the Doctor says, looking at Belle who's looking anywhere but him, "Belle gives my screwdriver back. Then, us. The TARDIS can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read the very first words – in – recorded – history. Belle, please give it back –"

The Doctor leans in to make it look like he was going to kiss her, as she stares in his eyes, his eyes drift to her ear and he whispers: "please."

Belle looks at Amy and rolls her eyes. Belle sees a hint of jealousy in Amy's eyes, but she can't continue to think about it because the Doctor had gotten the sonic from her when she got goosebumps.

They turned around to see the famous cliff that had the words: 'hello sweeties.'


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