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"Is that it? She dead now. So sad," says Uncle. Belle tries not to smile, but at the same time she feels horrible.

"No, she's still breathing," Rory says as he is trying to check to see if she was ok. Belle rolls her eyes. The Doctor frowns at her.

"Nephew, take Idris somewhere she can not bite people."

There's an Ood that comes out which scares the crap out of Belle. She jumps into the Doctor, hugging him tight, but he gets out of her grasp and greets the Ood.

"Oh, hello!"

"Doctor, what is that? Izzy, you okay?"

"No I'm not okay! What is that thing?!"

"Sounds like you're having a difficult time there Izzy," Rory tells her.

"Oh, no, it's all right. It's an Ood. Oods are good. Love an Ood. Hello, Ood. Can't you talk? Oh, I see. It's damaged. May I? It might just be on the wrong frequency."

Belle looks at Auntie as she speaks.

"Nephew was broken when he came here. Why, he was half dead. House repaired him. House repaired all of us."

"If you are receiving this message, please help me. Send a signal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Gallifrey. Tell them that I am still alive. I don't know where I am. I'm on some rock-like planet."

Behind the message is a lot of other voices trying to speak at the same time.

"What was that? Was that him?" Rory asks.

"No, no. It's picking up something else. But that's, that's not possible. That's, that's. Who else is here? Tell me. Show me. Show me."

"Just what you see. Just the four of us, and the House. Nephew, will you take Idris somewhere safe where she can't hurt nobody?"

"The House? What's the House?"

Belle grabs the Doctor's hand.

"House is all around you, my sweets. You are standing on him. This is the House. This world. Would you like to meet him?"

"Meet him?" Rory repeats.

"I'd love to," the Doctor says.

"Sounds suspicious," Belle whispers in the Doctor's ear. He kisses her cheek in return.

"This way. Come, please. Come."

"What's wrong? What were those voices?" Amy asks.

"Time Lords. It's not just the Corsair. Somewhere close by there are lots and lots of Time Lords."

"Come. Come, come. You can see the House and he can look at you, and he—"

They lead the Doctor and Belle to the device where Idris had her soul drained and replaced. The Doctor looks down the grating on the floor.

"I see. This asteroid is sentient."

"We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food."

"Smell its armpits," says Amy.

House speaks through Uncle and Auntie. It is a nice, refined voice.

"And do my will. You are most welcome, travellers," says the House.

"Doctor, that voice. That's the asteroid talking?"

"Yes. So you're like a sea urchin. Hard outer surface, that's the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside, that's you."

"That is correct, Time Lord," says the House.

"Ah. So you've met Time Lords before?"

The Doctor squeezes Belle's hand.

"Many travellers have come through the rift, like Auntie and Uncle and Nephew. I repair them when they break."

"So there are Time Lords here, then?"

"Not any more, but there have been many Tardises on my back in days gone by."

"Well, there won't be any more after us. Well, that's if Belle and I have a-a — well, Last Time Lord and Lady. Last Tardis."

"When," Belle hissed at him. "You know..."

The Doctor gives her a look. Amy and Rory didn't know about Ave like they did.

"A pity. Your people were so kind. Be here in safety, Doctor. Rest, feed, if you will."

"We're not actually going to stay here, are we?"

"Well, it seems like a friendly planet. Literally. Mind if we poke around a bit?" The Doctor asks.

"You can look all you want. Go. Look. House loves you," Auntie says, looking at Amy.

"Come on then, gang. We're just going to, er, see the sights."


"Shush, shush, shush," says the Doctor as they hear someone yell, "thieves!"

"So, as soon as the TARDIS is refuelled, we go, yeah?"

"No. There are Time Lords here. I heard them and they need me — us." The Doctor looks at Belle and nods.

"You told me about your people, and you told me what you did."

"Yes, yes, but if they're like the Corsair, they're good one and I can save them."

"And then tell them you destroyed the others?"

"I can explain. Tell them why I had to," the Doctor says.

"You want to be forgiven," says Amy.

"Don't we all?"

"What do you need from me?" Amy asked the two.

"My screwdriver. I left it in the TARDIS. It's in my jacket."

"You're wearing your jacket."

"My other jacket," the Doctor exclaims.

"You have two of those?"

"Okay, I'll get it. But Doctor, listen to me. Don't get emotional because that's when you make mistakes."

She throws him her phone.

"Yes, boss," says the Doctor.

"I'll call you from the TARDIS. Rory, Belle, look after him."

"Rory, look after her."


"What about me?" Belle asks him.

"You're staying with me," the Doctor kisses Belle. They were definitely ready for their next adventure. The Doctor just needed his screwdriver.

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