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Belle wakes up with a foggy memory. She presses her hand to her head as she sees she has a blanket on top of her. 'I didn't fall asleep,' she thought to herself, 'I must've. I didn't–'

She gasped, realising what the Doctor had done. She turns over to see that there was breakfast made for her on the side of the bed, and a note on the side.

Sorry about last night. I really wanted you to get some sleep. Here's some breakfast to make it up to you. Love, your Doctor, he signs with an x. Belle rolls her eyes as she pushes the food away. She was appreciative of it, but he shouldn't have done that with her.

As she pushes the door open, she sees Craig with a diary in his hand. She recognized the diary from her other daughter, Ave. She gasps. "Where did you get this?"

"Uh, the Doctor told me to give it to you, I–"

Belle grabs it from Craig's hands. It's brand new.

"It's brand new!" Belle exclaims. "I guess this is where it all starts!"

"What?" Craig asks, suspicious of Belle. She jumps excitedly. "Don't mind me –"

"When's your Doctor going to be done with his shower?" Craig asks her. Belle looks at him.

"He's taking a shower?" Belle asks, lightly blushing as he motions for her to come, but they suddenly hear a noise. A loud bang. Craig and Belle look at each other.

"What the hell is that?" Craig says, loud enough for the Doctor to hear.

"What did you say?" He asks.

"I'm just going to go upstairs. See if he's okay. You want to come, Belle?" Craig asks. She hesitates, looking at the door and Craig. She tells him she'll leave her diary behind first. He nods and starts heading first.

When she comes out of the bedroom she sees the Doctor running half-naked. Belle blushes bright red as he faces her, his hair a mess. "You're up! Did you eat?"

"Don't worry about me!" she says, now half-angry because of what he did to her last night. "Catch the monster!"

"Oh–" He groans, but leans in to give her a quick kiss. "Love you."

Belle doesn't say it back. Not just because she's half-angry with him, because he's already out the door with Craig's toothbrush.

"Is that my toothbrush?" Belle hears Craig ask as he and the Doctor are on the staircase. Belle opens the door.

"Correct. You spoke to the man upstairs?"

"Yeah," Craig replies.

"What did he look like?" The Doctor interrogates him.

"More normal than you do at the moment, mate. What are you doing?" Craig says.

"I thought you might be in trouble," the Doctor says, then looks back at Belle, "I thought she was too until I saw her still inside the flat."

"Thanks. Well, if I ever am, you can come and save me with my toothbrush," Craig says, making Belle clear her throat.

Craig's phone rings inside the flat, so he goes to answer it. The Doctor comes down the stairs to kiss Belle again, when they hear the door open. It's Sophie, the girl Craig was talking about.

"Oh! Hello," she says, a bit startled.

"Ah! Hello. The Doctor. This is Belle," he says.

"His girlfriend," Belle confirms.

"Right," says Sophie, a little awkward because of the Doctor's appearance. Belle notices she has clothes in her arms.

"Ooh! Are those clothes for me?" Belle asks excitedly. The Doctor smiles at Belle in admiration, but back at Sophie.

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