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Eventually they tried to get a hold of the Doctor. Belle met Ianto and Gwen, two Torchwood members, and Sarah Jane's son, Luke.

Belle and Ave hold each other as they hope the Doctor and Donna can connect themselves. Though Belle and Ave were shocked Harriet was willing to die in front of the Daleks that surrounded her. Ave had been keeping a lookout for any Daleks who were to enter the library. Thankfully there had been none.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Belle and Ave excitedly jump and hug as they see the Doctor and Donna on the screen. Belle has tears come to her eyes.

"Doctor, it's the Daleks," Jack says as the Doctor is looking around at everyone. He spots Belle and raises his eyebrows.


"Oh, he's a bit nice. I thought he'd be older," Gwen says.

"He's not that young," Ianto points out.

"It's the Daleks. They're taking people to their spaceship," Sarah Jane says.

"It's not just Dalek Caan," Martha says.

"Belle!" The Doctor says as Belle wipes her eyes. "How are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in —?"

"Sorry Da — Doctor, but we had a detour. I wanted to see if—"

"Never mind that," Belle tells Ave, "I'm just so glad we can see you. It's been so long since I've seen you, but probably barely a few months since you saw me, right?"

The Doctor nods, "then we can have our second date," he says, making her blush. Jack's eyebrows raise. Then his eyes move to another screen.

"Sarah Jane. Who's that boy? That must be Torchwood. Oh, they're brilliant. I wish you could have met them all in person with me, Belle," the Doctor tells them. He takes a moment to admire everyone.

"Look at you all, you clever people."

"That's Martha," Donna points. Belle has to take a moment to realize Donna was there too.

"Hi Donna!" Belle waves. "Haven't seen you in a while!"

"You should've gotten your arse back here when you could've!"

"Oi," Belle says, "I needed more time to breath!"

"You have all the time in the world with him!" Donna yells.

"And who's he?" Donna asks, seeing Jack.

"Captain Jack," The Doctor groans. "Just don't."

"So," Jack says, "girlfriend, huh, Doctor?"

"It's like an outer space Facebook," Donna comments. It makes Belle laugh.

"Everyone except Rose," the Doctor mutters, looking sad. Belle frowns. Who was Rose? He never mentioned her.

"You should probably explain who that is," Donna whispers to him, "so Belle doesn't flip out."

"Another time," he says. The connection goes blank.

Ave and Belle notice that there are Daleks in front of them.

"Uh," Belle starts, "we gotta go.... So sorry."

Belle turns off the computer as the Daleks yell, "exterminate!" Really loud in their ears. They start shooting and Ave tells Belle to roll underneath the tables so they would have time to use her vortex manipulator.

Ave follows Belle's movements as she has almost gotten hit by one of the Daleks. "You Cannot Escape From Us," they said as Ave pressed the last button before vanishing.

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