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It has been five years since Belle has made her decision to stay with the Doctor, and it had been five years for Amy and Rory who had been dropped off to live in Leadworth.

A lot has happened during those five years, and one of them being the Doctor and her getting married. Belle has a ring with the Doctor's name engraved in a small silver ring. It wasn't his academy name, but it was something.

Recently, Belle had discovered something. She is pregnant with the Doctor's child. It wasn't possible! She was human, for god's sake! When they were going to meet with Amy and Rory, that's when she'd tell him.

What she didn't know was that she was already five months along. She had a TARDIS key around her neck which was a perception filter to hide her large stomach. She had taken it off to reveal a large belly. She felt a kick for the first time as she pressed her hand to her stomach.

She quickly put the necklace back on and it was like her stomach was never big. She turned around to see the Doctor standing there. Thankfully he hadn't seen what she saw just yet.

He led her into the console room of the TARDIS.

"Ready to see Amy and Rory, my love?" the Doctor says, kissing her cheek. Belle kisses him on the lips.

"Of course. I have something to tell you all when we meet again," Belle smiles.

"Well we'll have a lot to tell when– What?"

Belle had felt the baby kick again. She presses a hand to her stomach. The Doctor looks panicked.

"It's nothing. I just... haven't been feeling well lately."

"I know. You've been puking almost every morning for the past few months."

He gave a smile like he knew what was up. She gives him a look.

"Let's go," Belle grabs his hand and drags him out of the TARDIS.


"Doctor! Izzy!"

"Rory," Belle hugs Rory. She notices the long hair.

"Ooh, long hair. That's nice," Belle compliments him. Rory blushes.

"I've crushed your flowers," the Doctor notices the TARDIS crushed their flowers.

"Oh, Amy will kill you. Just like Izzy when she told Amy how you two got married when she didn't even know Izzy stayed with you."

"Where is she?"

"She'll need a bit longer," Rory says.

"I have something to tell you both when she comes," Belle says. "I'm not sure if the doctor already knows," she playfully glared at him.

"Whenever you're ready, Amy," he looks anywhere but her. Belle frowns, but gasps as Amy waddles out.

"Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet," the Doctor says, which makes Belle tense up.

"I'm pregnant," Amy grumbles. Belle lightens up.

"At least you don't have to be alone with this one." She takes off the TARDIS key. Amy and Rory's mouths open wide. The Doctor smiles big.

"I already knew. I'm sorry. You know the TARDIS could scan things like this," the Doctor says.

"I was already beginning to suspect you knew," Belle tells him. "I started to feel him or her kick today. That's what I felt when I greeted you."

"Well congratulations! And I see you're married as well," Amy pointed out.

"You're huge," the Doctor goes back to Amy.

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