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Three months is how long it has been since Belle had landed in the middle of her house, with Kaden there, and finding out that Ave is her future daughter. Though she is itching to tell Kaden that that was her future daughter. It was very hard not to. She didn't give in.

On a random Saturday night, she hears a knock on the door from sitting in her living room. Kaden was away (thankfully) so that she could have some time alone to herself.

"Hello?" She answers the door to see her Doctor, the one she left with Ave, wearing a black suit and a black tie.

"Where's Donna?" She asks, looking out to see the TARDIS in plain sight.

"You haven't seen me in months, from what I heard, and all you ask is 'where's Donna'?"

"I haven't seen her either," Belle crosses her arms. She looks at him up and down as he comes in.

"Where's your brother?" The Doctor asks her. "Isn't he supposed to be here?"

"He has a life," Belle tells him. "He can go anywhere he wants. I can't control him anymore. He's not the little boy I once took care of."

"Oh," he says, "well. You should get dressed. I see you're in your PJs."

"A little warning would've been nice," Belle tells him. The Doctor rolls his eyes.

"It's our first date. I want it to be perfect for the both of us. I chose a special place."

"Or did Donna?" Belle asks. The Doctor rolls his eyes.

"Oh come on," he groans. "Get dressed, woman!"

"Oi," Belle says. "We have some things to discuss," she says after pointing her finger at him. "Like—"

"I know," he says, "I know."

"The black suit suits you," Belle smiles at him. She winks. "But you know what would make it better? A bow tie."

The Doctor groans again. "I hate bow ties. Everything goes wrong with bow ties."


The Doctor had taken her to see the play "Hamilton" when it was recorded in 2016 with the original cast. The Doctor said he loved this play, and how it would be a great first date for the two of them. Then, after the play, he took her to quickly meet Elisa Hamilton during her last moments. She cried when the Doctor went to the bathroom because it had been the best first date ever.

She got dropped off afterwards. She ended up living quite a few more months with Kaden and his new girlfriend until a year after she had been dropped off. There was no sign from the Doctor and Belle was starting to worry. Would he ever come back to pick her up?

"Hey," Ave pops up in front of her as she's waking up from a long night's sleep. Belle jumps.


"Oh, that's an idea!" Says Ave. "We could ask dad to go meet that guy. But then—"

"I still can't believe you're my daughter. I know it's been a year, but —"

"It's been a year?" Ave says, color draining from her face. Belle nods.

"A year from the Doctor and I's first date," she says. "I don't know where he is. I've been trying to contact him."

"Here. Let's go—"

"Wait," Belle says, "I need to say goodbye to Kaden and his girlfriend."

"He has a girlfriend?" Ave asks. She nods.

"Which one?" Ave asks after. Belle cringed.

"More than one?" She asks. Ave cringed too.

"Sorry. Spoilers."

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