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"So, We weren't just in the neighbourhood," says Donna as the three of them are walking around.

"Yeah, I kind of, sort of lied a bit. I got a message on the psychic paper," the Doctor turns around to Belle and Donna, showing the paper.

It reads: The Library. Come as soon as you can. xx

"What do you think? Cry for help?" He looks at Belle then Donna. Belle crosses her arms.

"Two kisses? Think that's a bit desperate?"

"Cry for help with a kiss?" Donna asks, agreeing with Belle. She turns to her. "But you're already here. So who would be giving him the second kiss? Or both in general?"

"Oi," Belle and the Doctor say in unison. They share a cute smile together.

"But we've all done that," The Doctor says.

"Who's it from?" Donna asks.

"No idea," the Doctor says. He reaches his hand out for Belle to grab. She thankfully takes it.

"So why did we come here? Why did you—"

"Donna, Belle," the Doctor says, looking behind them. Belle notices and starts to panic again. The lights behind them are going out.

"What's happening?"

"Oh no," Belle says, her hearts racing.

"Run!" The Doctor yells.

They can't get the nearest door open. Belle bangs on it a lot. "Stop doing that... so much," the Doctor tells her. Belle grunts.

"Come on," says the Doctor as he tries to open the door.

"What, is it locked?" Donna asks.

"No. It's unlocked. Come on, let's go in!" Belle says sarcastically. Donna rolls her eyes.

"Jammed. The wood's warped."

"Can't you sonic it?" Belle asks as Donna tells him to use the sonic.

"Use the thingy," Donna tells him.

"I can't, it's wood," he grunts. Belle rolls her eyes.

"Out of all things it can't do!" Belle groans.

"What, it doesn't do wood?"

"Hang on, hang on. I can vibrate the molecules, fry the bindings. I can shatterline the interface."

"Oh, get out of the way," Donna says. She pushes Belle into the Doctor and feels his arm wrap around her waist. Butterflies fill her stomach, but at the same time she watches Donna kick the door open. The Doctor spots a little girl as they close the door behind them. He puts his hands in his pockets, flicking his coat back as they walk towards her. Belle smiles at the little girl.

"Oh. Hello. Sorry to burst on you like this. Okay if we stop here for a bit?"

Suddenly the girl vanished, leaving behind a small globe-like object on the ground. Belle gasps.

"What is it?"

"Doctor, what just happened?" Belle asks.

"Security camera," the Doctor says, rushing to it. "Switched itself off."

"Nice door skills, Donna," the Doctor compliments her. Belle crosses her arms as she watches the Doctor work. He quickly stares up at her.

"What?" He asks.

"Yeah, well, you know, boyfriends," Donna says. She turns to Belle. "Sometimes you need the element of surprise. I bet you'll be doing that with the TARDIS sooner or later, right, Belle?"

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