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"Testimony accepted. That's what they said. My testimony," the Doctor says as they're at the TARDIS.

"Don't beat yourself up because you were right," Amy says. "So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?"

"This is what I do. yeah, and it's dangerous, so you and Belle wait here," The Doctor says.

"No! I will not stay," Belle protests. "You can't have me down here waiting to see if you're okay—"

"I need to keep you down here and be safe," the Doctor says, looking deeply into her eyes, "because I know you came from the future when I saw you as my past regeneration. That's why I need to keep you here."

Belle crosses her arms. "Who knows how safe it will be?"

"What, so you mean we've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London Blitz?"

"Safe as it gets around me," the Doctor says. He kisses Belle on the lips. She protests as he goes into the TARDIS and it dematerialized. Belle starts to cry and Amy hugs her.

"What's he expect us to do now?" Amy asks Winston as the girls comfort each other.

"K B O, of course," Winston says.

"What?" Amy and Belle ask in unison.

"Keep buggering on," Winston explains. Belle sniffs before calming down.

"I just... I can't believe he did that. He didn't even say..."

"I know," Amy tells her, "he's stubborn. You know what he did to me one time?"

"What?" Belle asks as Winston is gone now.

"Twelve years instead of five minutes. Waited my whole life for him to come back, but it didn't happen. Until one day..."


Belle had told Amy to keep an eye on Winston while she waited for the Doctor to come back from the Daleks. Amy tried to get her not to do that as she wanted Belle to help with them. Belle told her how she wasn't smart.

"That's rubbish," Amy tells her. "We're smart in our own way."

"Just keep an eye on him Amy," she tells her. Amy nods.

"Fine. But when I come back, you're helping," she says. Belle doesn't have a chance to argue with her.

A few minutes later the lights turn on. Belle decides on whether to stay or ask Amy what was going on. She decided to head to where she, Winston, and Professor Bracewell were.

"We could send something up there, you say?" Winston asks Professor Bracewell as Belle comes in, wiping the tears from the silent cry she had.

"Yes, well, with a gravity bubble, yes, but. Theoretically it's possible that we could actually send something into space," Professor Bracewell replies.

"Bracewell, it's time to think big."

Winston notices Belle as he turns around. "Good, good! Good for you to join us, Belle!"

Amy smiles as she sees Belle. "Thanks for coming! The Doctor would be proud."


"More Nazi bombers approaching in strike formation. Incendiary bombs have hit the East End of London."

"At last," Winston says, "Are they ready?"

"I hope so. But in the meantime, this will pick up Dalek transmissions," Professor Bracewell says.

Professor Bracewell's rigged radar scanner picks up a picture of the White Dalek and the Doctor. Belle gasps.

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