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The Doctors point their screwdrivers at the creature that came out of the doors. "Allons-y!" they both say at the same time.

"I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight. Now step back, sir," says the Other Doctor.

The beast leaps and lands way up the opposite wall. It has a furry body and metal hands and feet.

"Some sort of primitive conversion, like they took the brain of a cat or a dog," says the Doctor.

The Other Doctor says, "Well, talking's all very well. Rosita?"

"I'm ready," says Rosita. She hands over a large coil of rope.

"Now, watch and learn," says the Other Doctor.

The rope is a lasso, and the Other Doctor gets it around the beast in one try.

"Excellent," he says proudly. "Now then, let's pull this timorous beastie down to Earth."

The beast climbs higher, pulling him up with it.

"Or not," says the Doctor.

"I might be in a little bit of trouble," says the Other Doctor.

"Nothing changes. I've got you," says the Doctor. He gets on the rope.

"Move up. I've got you too," Kaden tells the Doctor. He scoots up as Belle complains.

"Doctor, you can't just do that!"

But the beast is strong enough to pull them off the ground.

"You idiots!"

"My exact thoughts, Rosita!" says Belle, slapping a hand on the girl's shoulder. The girl gives a worried smile.

"Perhaps if you could pull?"

"I am pulling. In this position, I couldn't not pull, could I? Kaden, you good?"

"Good as can be," Kaden smiles, trying to help.

The beast leaps through a window into the top floor of the warehouse.

"Then I suggest you let go, gentlemen," says the Other Doctor.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, Doctor. Don't you recognise me?"

"No, should I?" asks the Other Doctor. "Have we met? This is hardly the right time for me to go through my social calendar. Argh!"

"Give me that ax," Belle tells Rosita as she watches her husband jump through the window. They were going to catch them before something bad were to ever happen.

– – –

Belle came just in time to cut off the rope that was attached to the mysterious creature that jumped through the other window. She came to her husband and kissed him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're fine now," says the Doctor. The three men start laughing which confuses Belle. All three of them hug, and Rosita gives Belle a look. Belle returns it.

"Well, I'm glad you think it's so funny. You're mad. All of you. You could've got killed," Rosita says.

"But evidently we did not. Oh, I should introduce Rosita. My faithful companion. Always telling me off."

"Well, they do, don't they? Rosita. Good name. Hello, Rosita. This is my future wife Belle, and her brother, Kaden."

"Huh. Now I'll have to go and dismantle the traps. All that for nothing. And we've only got twenty minutes till the funeral, don't forget. Then back to the TARDIS, right?"

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