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Cece did not want to go to where the Doctor had wanted them to go because she knew it was time for the Doctor to die.

Ave Song didn't want to come along on this trip either, so she decided to stay at home with Cece as they talked about what was going to happen in the future. Cece knew who Ave was as soon as she saw her, because she knew that Belle and the Doctor were together. Future Belle was there with them when she realized that the Doctor had left her to die.

Belle, on the other hand, was with present Doctor. Not 1,103 year old Doctor. She didn't know who had invited them to the place where they were supposed to go. He didn't know either.

"This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold," River Song says as the Doctor and Belle come out of the back room, hand in hand.

"Or hello, as people used to say," the Doctor says.

"Doctor? Belle? Where have you been--"

"I just popped out to get my special straw. It adds more fizz," the Doctor says, making Belle blush in a bit of embarrassment.

"You're okay. How can you be okay?" River asks. Belle notices how scared she looks.

"Are you okay, River?"

"Hey, of course I'm okay. I'm always okay. I'm the King of Okay. Oh, that's a rubbish title. Forget that title. Rory the Roman! That's a good title. Hello, Rory. And Doctor River Song. Oh, you bad, bad girl. What trouble have you got for me this time?"

River slaps the Doctor, hard.

"Okay. I'm assuming that's for something I -- we -- haven't done yet," the Doctor says. Belle slaps his shoulder.

"Not we," she says. "And you have no right to do that, River."

"Yes, it is something that you haven't done yet. Not you, Belle."

"I don't understand. How can you be here?" Rory asks, confused and scared at the same time. Belle and Amy share a look.

"We were invited. Date, map reference. Same as you lot, I assume, otherwise it's a hell of a coincidence."

"River, what's going on?"

"Amy, ask him what age he is," River asks her.

"That's a bit personal," he says.

"Tell her. Tell her what age you are."

"Nine hundred and nine," the Doctor says. Belle squeezes his hand.

"Yeah, but you said you were --"

"So where does that leave us, huh? Jim the fish? Have we done Jim the fish yet?" River asks. "Belle, you were there..."

"Who's Jim the fish?" Belle and the Doctor ask at the same time. Belle giggles as they look at each other.

"I don't understand," Amy says. "I bet Cece understands."

"Yeah, you do," Rory tells her.

"I don't! Belle doesn't! What are we all doing here?"

"We've been recruited," River says. "Something to do with space 1969, and a man called Canton Everett Delaware the third."

"Recruited by who?" The Doctor asks as Belle asks, "who?"

"Someone who trusts you two more than anybody else in the universe."

"And who's that?" The Doctor asks.

"Spoilers," says River. Belle gets an odd feeling in her chest. What were they not telling them?

Hey everyone!!!! I am back!! I hope you've been liking the story so far. Hopefully I can get back into a writing spree and continue to write more later on this week. Thank you to everyone who put this story in their lists! I appreciate it so much. Let me know what you think of this story so far. Now on to season 6!

<3 Liv

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