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How could she be eight months? That explained the sickness, but how could the Doctor not tell her about this key? It hid her pregnancy for eight months . . . eight!

She started to sob. Kaden came running in the room, gasping. "Belle? What the –?"

"I know," she sobbed, "I couldn't believe it either. . . I just–"

There was a sudden glow in Belle's hand, which made her drop the key. Then they heard the sound of the TARDIS and Belle ran out to see the Doctor's TARDIS outside their home . . . though it looked . . . different.

"Oh no," Belle says, her hand going up to her mouth in shock as she saw the Doctor's 10th incarnation standing outside, waving to Belle and Kaden.

"That's not the current Doctor," Kaden tells her.

"No crap Sherlock," she says, and tried to run towards the Doctor, but her feet dragged because of her big stomach. She panted as she finally reached him, and his eyes widened.

"Belle? Ho-How did this–"

She slapped him. Hard.

"Perception filter. . . really?" She holds up the TARDIS key necklace. He puts his hand on his cheek to comfort the pain. He says 'ow' and then goes, "oh no."

"Oh yeah," Belle says, pointing to her stomach. "Eight months not knowing I was p–"

"I know, I know," he says.

"No, you don't. I missed eight months! Eight months, Doctor!"

"My future self is going to get a rude awakening," says the 10th Doctor. Belle nods.

"Definitely," she says. "I'll slam him too."

"So . . . how've you been? Otherwise, I mean," he says, noticing the glare on Belle's face.

"Lonely. All because of you! I missed my husband!" Belle says, making him turn back around.

"Hu-Husband?" he stuttered. Belle nods.

"Too much future knowledge?"

"Uh, uh. . . yeah, yeah, too much future knowledge. Oh no," the Doctor says, smacking his forehead. "Why did I come in the first place?"

"The TARDIS brought you here didn't she?" Belle asked. The doors of the TARDIS close, and they turn to see Kaden standing there with a big smile on his face.

"I've always wanted to go on an adventure with you guys," Kaden says. "Can I?"

"Yes," the Doctor says as Belle says, "NO!"

"Why not?"

"He could be in serious danger!"

"You could be in serious danger, too!" says Kaden. Belle looks at the Doctor for help. He looks away at the TARDIS's console.

"This is . . . different from what I remember," Kaden tells Belle. Belle rolls her eyes.

"It's because it's a different TARDIS," Belle says, "different Doctor."

"Still the same one I assume," the Doctor says with a smile.

"How can you be smiling after the way she treated you? I watched from a distance," Kaden asks him.

"Well she is my future wife," he smiles, kissing her cheek. She has a pout.

"And her future husband is going to get a rude awakening when I see him next time," Belle growls. The Doctor nods, this time solemnly.

"Belle, put your key back on. We're going on another adventure," the Doctor kisses her which makes Kaden gag.

"Even when you're married to him I still think it's gross with the kissing."

"Deal with it," Belle says.

– – –

"Isn't this great, Belle?"

"What?" Belle asks him, grunting.

"It's like it's Christmas!" Kaden says. The Doctor nods.

"Let's ask someone before we assume that it IS Christmas," the Doctor tells Kaden.

"You there, boy. What day is this?" He points to a boy.

"Christmas Eve, sir," replies the boy. Kaden does a small cheer.

"What year?"

"You thick or something?" Belle laughs.

"Oi. Just answer the question," says the Doctor.

"Year of our Lord 1851, sir," says the boy.

"Right. Nice year. Bit dull," the Doctor tells Belle and Kaden. They suddenly hear yelling.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

"Who, me?"

"You're probably the only Doctor in town, but how would anyone know you in the dull year of 1851?" Kaden asks him. Belle laughs. They start running.

"Oh, can we not do the running?" Belle groans as she is left behind.

– – –

"Doctor!" yells a woman.They find a dark-skinned young woman.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here?"

The large double doors in the wall move and something snarls behind it.

"Ooo. Okay, I've got it. Whatever's behind that door, I think you should get out of here. Belle, you first," the Doctor points the opposite direction.

"Hell no I'm not leaving," says Belle. Kaden nods.

"You leave my sister alone," he tells him.

"Doctor!" yells the woman again. She was getting on Belle's nerves with this Doctor thing. The Doctor was right there!

"No, no. I'm standing right here. Hello," says the Doctor.

"Don't be stupid. Who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor. That's Belle and that's Kaden."

"Doctor who? Belle who? Kaden who?"

"Just the Doctor."

"Belle to friends," Belle says. Kaden rolls his eyes.

"Well, there can't be two of you," says the woman.

Another man runs up.

"Where the hell have you been?" asks the woman.

"Right then. Don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here then?"

"Hold on, hold on. Who are you?" asks the Doctor.

"I'm the Doctor. Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only and the best. Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver," says the Doctor.

"What?" Belle asks, surprised that the woman's name wasn't Belle.

"The what?" the Doctor asks.

"Now quickly, get back to the TARDIS," says the Other Doctor.

"Back to the what?"

"The TARDIS you idiot," Belle slaps his arm.

"I know, I know, but –"

"If you could stand back, sir. This is a job for a Time Lord," says the Other Doctor.

"Job for a what lord?"

The doors burst open and an animal with Cyberman-style head is visible.

"Oh, that's different," says the Doctor.

The Other Doctor says, "Oh, that's new."

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