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They're inside Vincent's home now. Belle is itching to go back outside to look at the paintings, and she could tell Amy wanted to as well, but the Doctor pulls Belle along with him as Vincent lights a candle to make it lighter. Belle almost forgot that people didn't have the technology they had back in the day.

"Sorry about all the clutter," says Vincent as they move around the paintings inside. Belle looks around excitedly. She realised she had never been into paintings before. This was something her new regeneration was excited about, and she wasn't complaining.

"Some clutter," the Doctor exclaims.

"I've come to accept the only person who's going to love my paintings is me," Vincent says.

"Don't say that. I already love them, Vincent," Belle exclaims. The Doctor squeezes Belle's hand as he smiles at her.

"Wow. I mean, really. Wow," Amy breathes, moving her head to look at every painting there was in his house.

"Yeah, I know it's a mess. I'll have a proper clear out. I must, I really must," Vincent says, "but thank you. Belle, was it?"

Belle lets go of the Doctor's hand which gets him to frown. Belle heads over to Amy. She can tell Amy tenses up because she still didn't understand how Belle was Belle.

"Coffee, anyone?"

"Not for me, actually," the Doctor replies.

"You know, you should be careful with these. They're precious," the Doctor adds after.

"Precious to me. Not precious to anyone else," Vincent argues. Belle can tell he has low self-esteem.

"They're precious to me," Amy comments.

"Well, you're very kind. And kindness is most welcome," Vincent says, thankful for Amy. Amy and Belle look at each other before the Doctor asks Vincent more about the church. He sits down and Belle and Amy giggle as they go back outside. The Doctor would be mad at Belle for going with Amy, but Belle didn't care. She wanted to catch up with her and look at more paintings.

"So," Amy says as they look at the paintings, "you're... brunette?"

"Yes," Belle touches her hair. "I never would've thought. I feel so different... like everything about me is... different, obviously."

"So is your accent too," Amy says. "It's hard to believe that you're a time lady like the Doctor. How did that come about?"

"Apparently I died and came back," Belle said. "I was saving my daughter. The Doctor's daughter, too."

"Daughter? The Doctor never told me you had a daughter," Amy exclaimed.

Belle thought of Jenny for a moment. "Yes, we do. She's blonde like I was. Ooh, that gives me an idea! I should dye my hair blonde. Anyway, she didn't come from us naturally. This was way before we were ever a couple."

"So you two are a couple now?" Amy asks. Belle could feel Amy's jealousy just a bit, but ignored it. She nodded. Suddenly something hit Belle and then something hit Amy from behind them. Belle screamed at the same time as Amy. As the Doctor and Vincent come, Belle is already on the ground as Amy hovers over her.

"Oh god... are you okay, Belle?"

Belle had landed on hard concrete. The Doctor rushed to help her back up as he asked Amy questions about what happened. Belle groans as she stands up. Her elbows are starting to bleed and the Doctor quickly uses his regeneration energy to heal them while Vincent goes after whatever knocked Belle down.

The Doctor asks Belle if she's okay and kisses where she got hurt. She blushed. "Doctor..."

"Oh dear," the Doctor notices Vincent going after something they all couldn't see (except for him, of course). He tells Amy to get back and pulls Belle back despite her protests. He quickly kisses her on the lips before going to help Vincent.

Belle watches the Doctor fight nothing. Literally nothing, as Vincent can actually see the beast and was actually fighting it.

"He's gone," Vincent tells the Doctor as he's trying really hard to fight the invisible monster.

"Oh, right. Yes. Of course," he says awkwardly. Belle giggles as he looks over at her. She winks at him.


"Right. So he's invisible. What did he look like?" The Doctor says as they're back inside Vincent's house where they're safe.

"I'll show you," Vincent says. He then gets out a paint brush and starts to put white paint over a painting he has already finished. Belle and the Doctor give each other a look before he groaned. "Oh, no. No. No. No!"

"What?" Vincent asks, seeing the look on Belle's face and questioning the Doctor.

"It's just er, that was quite a good — Oh, no. On you go," the Doctor motions him.

Vincent produces a charcoal sketch of the beast with a wicked beak, crest and claws.

"Okay. Okay. Right. Amy, make Mister Van Gogh comfortable. Don't let any invisible monsters in through the front door," the Doctor orders her. He turns to Belle. "You're staying here and keeping away from the monster."

"What?" Belle asks. "No. Keep away from the monster, yes, but–"

"No buts," the Doctor says. "I want you safe, you hear? You're not going with me. It's too dangerous."

"It's always dangerous with you," Belle snaps. She grabs his hand. "I'm coming whether you like it or not. Now lead the way."

The Doctor frowns as she holds his hand. It was now time for plan B for Belle to keep away from this monster who almost killed her just minutes before.

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