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Belle squeals in excitement as she's alone with the Doctor. "We're in Venice," she says. "I always wanted to go here. And Paris, but I haven't gone to Paris, so..."

"What was that about?" Amy asks as they notice a man struggling to get his daughter back from the girls who attacked him. Belle looks at the Doctor. He gives her a knowing smile and quickly drags her along before she could say anything.

"We can schedule a proper date some other time," the Doctor yells to her. "Don't count this as a date just yet."

"Fine," she says, "you promise?" She asks.

"Always," he tells her, then kisses her cheek. The Doctor sees the man that got attacked by the women.

"Who are those girls?" The Doctor asks as they're still hand-in-hand.

"I thought everyone knew about the Calvierri school," the man says.

"Our first day here. It's okay. Parents do all sorts of things to get their children into good schools. They move house, they change religion. So why are you trying to get her out?" The Doctor says, giving Belle's hand a squeeze.

"Something happens in there. Something magical, something evil. My own daughter didn't recognise me. And the girl who pushed me away, her face, like an animal."

The Doctor gives Belle a look and looks back at the man. "I think it's time I met this Signora Calvierri."

"If we die I'm going to kill you," Belle whispers as he drags her along to meet Signora Calvierri.

"How will you kill me if we're already dead?" The Doctor says cheekily. Belle rolls her eyes as they've made their way through a room with a mirror. Belle notices the Doctor checking himself out. She rolls her eyes again.

"Hello, handsome," he says. "Don't I look handsome, Belle?"

Belle would say she agrees, but she had already turned around to face a lot of girls surrounding them.

"Belle?" He repeats as he feels Belle wrap an arm around him, bringing him closer. The girls inch closer and he turns around. He noticed how they don't show up in the mirror.

"Who are you?" They ask the two.

"How are you doing that? I am loving it. You're like Houdini, only five slightly scary girls, and he was shorter. Will be shorter. I'm rambling. Belle, help a little?"

"You're doing great without me talking, honey," Belle says, tapping his arm.

"I'll ask you again, signor. Signora. Who are you?"

"Why don't you check this out?"

The Doctor holds out an ID card with an old man's photograph on it. The girls stare at it blankly, then the Doctor looks at it. Belle tries to peak before he takes it away.

"Library card. Of course, it's with. He's. I need a spare. Pale, creepy girls who don't like sunlight and can't be seen. Ha. Am I thinking what I think I'm thinking? But the city. Why shut down the city? Unless..."

"Thanks for not saying that they're pretty," Belle comments. The Doctor nods.

"Leave now, signor, Signora, or we shall call for the Steward, if you are lucky."

"Ooo," the Doctor says. Belle cringes as the girl's teeth turn into needles, and they start to advance on the Doctor, hissing.

"Tell us the whole plan," he says. "One day that will work. Listen, I would love to stay here. This whole thing. I'm thrilled. Oh, this is Christmas. Come along, Dunne!"

The Doctor runs back up the stairs. He doesn't grab Belle's hand as she's annoyed that they have to run away. She didn't plan on running a lot today.


"Doctor! Izzy!"

Belle glares at Amy as she greets them with Rory following slowly behind.

"We just met some vampires," the Doctor told her excitedly. She holds onto his arms.

"We just saw a vampire," she said at the same time, jumping up and down.

"And creepy girls and everything," the Doctor tells her.

"Vampires," Amy says.

"We think we just saw a vampire," Rory comes up behind them. Belle nods.

"We did too."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Amy was just telling me," says the Doctor.

"Yeah, yeah. The Doctor and Izzy actually went to their house."

"Oh. Right. Well," Rory says, annoyed.

"Okay. So, first we need to get back in there somehow," says the Doctor. Belle tenses up.

"What?" Rory asks.

Belle gets a bad feeling.

"How do we do that?"

"Why would we do that?" Belle asks.

"Back in where?" Rory asks.

"Come and meet my new friend," the Doctor says. He goes off. Rory and Belle share a look even if they're not very friendly with each other.


I apologize for how short this chapter is. Do you guys like short or long chapters?

I am almost done writing this episode!! Then onto "Amy's Choice" or in this book it will be "Belle's Choice", but I don't do chapter titles just because I don't want people to skip chapters and such.

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this book. Just wanted to say even though the Doctor and Belle are clearly more than friends that they won't make it official for a long time. She has to go back into his past, first!

<3 Liv

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