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Belle freshened up while Amy collected her thoughts on Belle's new appearance. Belle was upset that Amy didn't recognize her, but she couldn't blame her because she wouldn't have recognized herself either.

She goes back into the console room after a little nap too. She saw the Doctor walking her way. She knew he was deciding whether to kiss her or not while she stood there, staring at him. She kisses him instead, despite being angry and upset with him just an hour before. She was already so tired from crying.

After a minute or two of no air from kissing, they hear Amy clear her throat.

"Nice reunion you two are having, but are we going to go on our adventure or not?" she asks. Belle notices that someone wasn't there with them. Rory Williams wasn't there.

"Where's Rory?" Belle whispers as she and the Doctor are in a hugging position. "Long story," he whispers back. "Don't mention him in front of her."

"Who? Don't mention who? You two are being very weird," Amy says.

"We're going on a special trip," the Doctor says after kissing Belle's cheek and heading to the console. He starts pressing buttons and pulling leavers as Belle follows after him. He wraps an arm around Belle and starts showing her what buttons to press. The TARDIS starts to move. Belle gets that feeling in her chest as she shares a smile with the Doctor. A smile she hasn't had for a while.


"Thanks for bringing me," Amy says as the Doctor and Belle walk behind inside a museum.

"You're welcome," The Doctor says as he squeezes Belle's hand.

"You're being so nice to me. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I'm always nice to you," the Doctor says. Belle looks at him as Amy talks. He gets uncomfortable, but Belle squeezes his hand back to let him know it's okay.

"Not like this. These places you're taking me," she looks at Belle, "he's taken me to Arcadia, the Trojan Gardens, now this. I think it's suspicious."

"What? It's not. There's nothing to be suspicious about," he starts to panic.

"Okay, I was joking. Why aren't you?"

"He's always weird," Belle says, elbowing him on the side. They listen to a tour guide.

"Each of these pictures now is worth tens of millions of pounds, yet in his lifetime he was a commercial disaster. Sold only one painting, and that to the sister of a friend. We have here possibly the greatest artist of all time, but when he died you could sold his entire body of work and got about enough money to buy a sofa and a couple of chairs. If you follow me now–"

"Who is it?" asks a child.

"It's the doctor," says another child.

The Doctor turns. Belle follows his movements. The children are looking at the portrait of Doctor Gachet.

"He was the doctor who took care of Van Gogh when he started to go mad," says the child. Belle and the Doctor share a look.

"I knew that," the other child says.

"Look. There it is. The actual one," Amy holds the picture in her Van Gogh exhibition guide book next to the painting of the Church at Auvers.

"Yes. You can almost feel his hand painting it right in front of you, carving the colours into shapes. Wait a minute–"

Belle sighs as the Doctor lets go of her hand.


"Well, just look at that," The Doctor says, going up to a painting.

"What?" Amy and Belle ask.

"Something very not good indeed," the Doctor says.

"Always something not good," Belle rolls her eyes.

"What thing very not good?" Amy asks.

"Look there, in the window of the church," he points to a dragon-like image.

"Is it a face?" Amy asks.

"Looks like it," Belle nods.

"Yes. And not a nice face at all. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window," the Doctor says.

The Doctor goes over to the tour guide, who is at the Still Life with Twelve Sunflowers. Belle gets second hand embarrassment because they were watching him, but Belle knew he was interrupting for a good reason.

"It has changed hands for something in the region of twenty–"

"Excuse me," the Doctor interrupts. "If I can just interrupt for one second. Sorry, everyone. Routine inspection, Ministry of Art and Artiness. So, er–"

"Doctor Black," he introduces himself.

"Yes, that's right. Do you know when that picture of the church was painted?"

"Ah, well, ah, well, what an interesting question. Most people imagine–"

"I'm going to have to hurry you,"  he interrupts again. "When was it?"

Doctor Black blinks. "Exactly?"

"As exactly as you can. Without a long speech, if poss. I'm in a hurry."

"Well, in that case, probably somewhere between the first and third of June."

"What year?" asks the Doctor.

"1890. Less than a year before, before he killed himself."

"Thank you, sir. Very helpful indeed. Nice bow-tie. Bow-ties are cool," the Doctor points out. Belle lets out a laugh.

"Yours is very–"

"Oh, thank you. Keep telling them stuff. We need to go," the Doctor turns around for Belle and Amy. He grabs Belle's hand and it fits perfectly in his.

"What about the other pictures?" asks Amy.

"Art can wait. This is life and death. We need to talk to Vincent Van Gogh."


Hello!! Thanks for reading. Sorry for a short chapter. I'm still working on this episode, and hopefully I can have it finished by next week — and same with The Lodger. Honestly writing Eleven's era is so fun to write. I love his and Belle's relationship already <3.

Anyway, have an amazing day, and as always, I hope you enjoy the next chapter and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

<3 Liv

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