━━━ epilogue.

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The Doctor had tears in his eyes. Amy and Rory were gone . . . for good. Their names were written on the gravestone and everything.

He sat in the TARDIS with River and Ave there, looking solemn. He didn't want to do anything at all. Until . . .

Belle arrived with a baby girl in her arms. Ave gasps, realising what was happening. "Hey," Belle greets the Doctor.

"All you have to say is 'hey'?" asks Ave.

"I have nothing else to–"

She gets cut off by a kiss from the Doctor.

"Why do you look so sad?" Belle asks the Doctor as he is taking Ave Song from Belle's arms.

"I'm not so sad anymore," the Doctor says as he gives a small smile. Belle put a hand against his forehead. His eyes roll back a bit but come back as his memories of the past return to him.

"Oh my," River says as her memories return as well. "You erased my memories!"

"I had to!" says Belle. "Too much information about the future. Remember, Doctor?"

"I can't believe it . . . Amy and Rory would've loved her . . ."

He then remembered the slap Belle had given him when he arrived as his 10th incarnation. He flinched as he recalled the memory, but then he looked down at his daughter and then Ave Song.

"You made me forget about her," the Doctor told Belle as he stared at his daughter. Belle frowned.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, I am—"

"It's . . . Okay," the Doctor says, "at least I'll remember now."

"It's all mum's fault," says Ave Song. Her eyes widened when she realised everyone was looking at her.


— — —

Meanwhile in the past, the 10th Doctor started to write a note to Belle about his future self. At first, he didn't know what to start with. He did start with a simple word and sentence that ended his story. Not only did it end his story, this letter started their story.


The next time you will see me, I won't be the same. Then the time after that...

Well, let's just say I am preparing you. Your crying will only make it worse for me. Don't ask me questions because it is my future.

I am writing this to apologize how I miss calculated when I brought you back to your year. I hope you can forgive me. Again.

Thank you for accepting me to be your friend. Every moment with you is worth living for.

Your friend,

The Doctor

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