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"Izzy? Oh my god, Izzy?"

"Belle?" the Doctor rushes towards her. Thankfully as she woke up, she remembered who she was, but she didn't remember what happened to her.

"Oh my god, Belle," Rory says as he sees her laying on her back, staring at the ceiling.

"Doctor?" Belle asks him, wanting him to come over. He comes over quickly and kisses her passionately.

"I want to marry you," Belle says suddenly, making his eyes wide.

"You want to . . . what?"

"You heard her," Amy says, crossing her arms. "She wants to get married."

"Just like . . ."

"Just like who?" Belle asks, crossing her arms. River Song comes out of the other room.

"Just like me," River says, fluffing her hair.

"Well, now, enough of all that. Down to business," says River.

She has somehow got Hitler's gun.

"Oh, hello. I thought you were going to go on an adventure with me," says the Doctor.

"We were going to get married, but I told you I'm not a wedding person," says River.

"You're not the one going to marry him," Belle growled. "I always knew you had a thing for him . . ."

"Doctor, what's she doing?"

"What she's programmed to," the Doctor replies to Rory.

"Where'd she get the gun?"

"Hello, Benjamin."

"Hello, Benjamin?" Belle repeated.

"You need to catch up on things," Rory tells her.

"Definitely," Belle says, crossing her arms again, but this time she is standing up and looking at River with a death stare.

"You noticed," says River, ignoring Belle's looks.

She tries to fire it, but the chambers are empty.

"Of course I noticed," says the Doctor. He took the bullets out while she was regenerating.

"As soon as I knew you were coming, I tidied up a bit."

"I know you did."

"I know you know."

He turns the bowl and she points a banana at him instead.

"Goodness, is killing you going to take all day?"

"Why? Are you busy?"

"She wants to kill you?" Belle asks, her eyes widened.

"Yes. It's what she wants to do but she's failing at it," the Doctor tells her, kissing her lips again.

"Oh, I'm not complaining."

She grabs a letter opener and he sonics it away.

"If you were in a hurry, you could've killed me in the cornfield," the Doctor says, "but Belle wasn't there so you're fine on that one."

"We'd only just met. I'm a psychopath. I'm not rude. And I don't care about the Beauty anyway."

She grabs Zimmerman's automatic, but the Doctor has the clip.

"You are not a psychopath. Why would she be a psychopath?"

"Oh, Mummy, Mummy, pay attention. I was trained and conditioned for one purpose. I was born to kill the Doctor."

"Demons Run, remember? This is what they were building. My bespoke psychopath."

"I'm all yours, sweetie."

She kisses him lightly. Belle gasps, then goes up to slap her. Hard, but River grabs her wrist before she hits her and twists it. Belle gasps again and the Doctor rushes over to her.

"Only River Song gets to call me that," says the Doctor as Belle shakes her wrist. It hurt. A lot.

"And who's River Song?"

"An old friend of mine, but she's not going to be much of a friend much longer if she keeps this up with Belle."

"Stupid name. Oh, look at that. Berlin on the eve of war. A whole world about to tear itself apart. Now that's my kind of town. Mum, Dad, don't follow me. And, yes, that is a warning."

"No warning for me, then?"

"No need, my love. The deed is done and so are you."

The Doctor staggers. Belle tries to catch him.

"Doctor, what's wrong?"

"What have you done? River!"

"Oh, River, River, River. More than a friend, I think."

"Just a friend!" yells Belle.

"What have you done?"

"It was never going to be a gun for you, Doctor. The man of peace who understands every kind of warfare, except, perhaps, the cruellest."

"Kiss, kiss," says River.

River jumps out of the broken window.

"What's wrong with you? What's she done to you?"

"Poisoned me. But I'm fine. Well, no, I'm dying, but I've got a plan," the Doctor says.

"What plan?" asks Amy.

"Not dying. See? Fine."

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