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Belle helps the Doctor with the machinery in their bedroom. The Doctor tells her what to do with the wiring and she tries, but sometimes she fails and has the Doctor frustrated. Craig knocks on the door as Belle gets her new diary out.

"Hello, flat mate," the Doctor smiles happily at Craig.

"Hey, man. Er, listen. Er, Sophie's coming round tonight and I was wondering if you two could give us some space?"

"Oh, don't mind us. You won't even know we're here," the Doctor says. "That's the idea," he says after a loud bang.

"Look," Craig says, "can't you two... go on a date or something while she's here?"

"A date? What kind of date would that be? Human-y—"

"We can try," Belle pipes up.

The Doctor closes the door and turns around at the machinery. "Yes, perfect! What a beauty."

Belle clears her throat as she crosses a leg on the chair. The Doctor finally notices the diary.

"Ooh! You've started writing!" He goes up to kiss her, making her drop the notebook. Belle completely forgets about it when the Doctor starts kissing her face all over. They finally finished making the machine, but the Doctor still had some wiring to do on his own.


"Hello," Belle hears the Doctor say as she walks out of the bedroom.

"What?" Craig asks, seeing the Doctor behind the couch.

"Whoops. Sorry. Don't worry, I wasn't listening. In a world of my own down there."

"I thought you were going out with Belle?"

"Right here," Belle says. She glared at the Doctor.

"Oh, hello Belle!" Sophie smiles brightly at Belle.

"Sorry about him," she tells the two, "I take my eyes off him one second and he's gone."

"Just re-connecting all the electrics. It's a real mess. I didn't want Belle to do it because it would be complicated for her. Where's the on switch for this?" The Doctor asks, showing a normal screwdriver. Belle mentally slaps her head. She loves her boyfriend, but sometimes he can be a bit annoying.

"They really are just on their way out," Craig told Sophie. Sophie shrugs.

"No, I don't mind. I mean, if you don't mind," Sophie says, then changes Craig's whole mood around

"I don't mind. Why would I mind?" Belle could tell Craig was disappointed in Sophie's reaction.

"Then stay. Have a drink with us," Sophie tells the two. The Doctor looks up at Belle and back at them.

"What? Do I have to stay now?"

"You got yourself in this situation honey," Belle tells him.

"Do you want to stay?" Craig asks.

"I don't mind. You don't mind, right, Belle?"

"Yeah whatever," Belle sighs, "you're going to have a talk later though, mister."

"Doctor," the Doctor gives a cheeky smile.

"You see what I have to deal with?" Belle asks Craig and Sophie. Craig nods while Sophie gets up to get drinks for them.


Belle had slept on the couch that night because the bed was preoccupied with what they were working on after the soccer game. The Doctor checked on her every thirty minutes, as he barely needed any sleep. She wanted him to get sleep too, but it was hard to argue with him.

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