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Cece did not want Belle to join the Doctor and everyone on their expedition to 1969. So she decided to call Belle as they went in the TARDIS.

"Hey... can you come pick me up?" Cece asks Belle as she answered the phone. Belle looks at the Doctor as he is talking with Rory.

"Yes, but we—"

"I know where you're going," Cece tells her. "Tell River I'm sorry what happened."

"What happened?"

Cece cursed. She forgot that Belle wasn't there. Future Belle had already left with Ave. They had vanished when the Doctor had vanished from the fixed point.

"Okay," Belle went up to the Doctor and kissed his cheek.

"Can we pick up Cece?"

"Can't she wait? We need to go—"

The Doctor saw Belle give him a look. She sighed as she turned around and he gave a nod. "Fine. But you're coming on the next trip."

"Next trip?" Belle asks.

"You're not coming along is what he's saying," River shouts from the other side of the console.

"Why not?" Belle crosses her arms. The Doctor gives a smile, thinking about how cute she looked but frowned when he saw her tapping her foot.

"It's dangerous! Lots of things could happen to you," the Doctor says.

"And they can come along as well?" Belle replies, nodding her head over to Amy, Rory, and River.

"We-We-Well—" Rory tries to come up with something to defend the Doctor. He is not happy.

"No. That's a fact. You're not coming along," the Doctor says. Belle stomps her foot in frustration.

"Told you you couldn't come along?" Cece's voice rang over the phone.

"Yes," Belle grunts. "Tell me what happens on this trip?"


"Oi!" Says the Doctor. "Spoilers!" River says.

"Not in front of them," Cece tells her. "We can talk later."

"Fine, but the Doctor needs to know what time zone you're in. We've been gone for a few months," Belle says. She looks at the Doctor angrily. Why is he always like this?


Belle and the Doctor arrive at her place. Belle already sees another TARDIS in the background. Cece smiles brightly. Her blonde hair makes its way past her face as she stood in the wind. Belle smiles but is sad that the Doctor isn't letting them join this trip to Space, 1969. 

"It's okay Belle," Cece tells her. "I know what happens and you should be glad--"

"Oi," the Doctor says, "spoilers for us."

"Hi Cece," Amelia Pond says from inside the TARDIS. Cece gives a small, shy smile. Cece was still shaken that she was in the Doctor Who universe, so she was still in awe at everything she came across, especially main characters like Amelia Pond, Rory Williams, the Doctor, River.. Though she did try to find Martha Jones at one point and failed. 

The Doctor left with the rest of the gang (except Belle). The Doctor from the future finally came out of his TARDIS and wanted to know if the two were ready for their next adventure. Cece starts to shake when she realizes what 'episode' is up next when Belle mentions something about pirates from what she (somewhat) remembered from the show. Belle kisses the Doctor as they enter the TARDIS while Cece tries to remember the next episode's name: The Curse of the Black Spot.

A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for 11k reads and 200+ votes! I really appreciate it! This is the best fanfic I've ever written. I'm so glad most of you have been enjoying it, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! -- Liv <3

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