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The Doctor and Donna had gone on another trip without Belle. Belle needed some time with her little brother (or not so little brother anymore). They went out and did things together like old times. Though when Belle was finally at the library one day, she got a phone call. Everyone around her looks at her as they hear her ringtone, but thankfully it wasn't an annoying one.

She apologizes to the librarian. Though the librarian doesn't recognize her because she's a whole new person. It makes her sad. She runs out of the library, answering the call. It was from Donna.

"What's going on? Why –?"

Belle heard panicking on the other side of the phone. "Donna? What – ?"

"The Doctor's been poisoned!" Donna shouts. This makes Belle's heart – or hearts, beat fast.

"What?" Belle asks again. "What do you mean he's been poisoned?"

"Never mind that now! I am calling you because he needs a shock, and I'm so sorry, Belle, but I need to tell him. Otherwise there's no choice other than – you know . . ."

"No, no, no, no –"

Belle panics. Donna was going to tell him she was in love with him. How would he react to that? Obviously he would be in shock, but when they were kissing, he wasn't as shocked as she thought he'd be. He didn't say anything about the kiss afterwards, and it thankfully wasn't awkward. But now, Donna was about to tell him...

"Doctor, what you're about to hear is going to shock you, just what you need –"

"Hurry up with it!" the Doctor shouts. She could hear the pain in his voice. "I need the shock!"

This ticks Belle off.

"I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, ALRIGHT?" she shouts on the phone. People turn their heads as she walks by. She forgot how American she was now, in this new body. So people would think she's a tourist walking through London, England. She hated that bit, but she couldn't help it anymore. "Ever since I came back from traveling with future you, I couldn't help but fall in love with you," Belle says loudly in the phone. There was a pause of silence.

"Donna?" Belle asked as she heard heavily breathing.

"He's okay," Donna breathed. She could tell something had happened to stop the poison from spreading throughout his body.

"I'll see you later," Donna hangs up the call too quickly for Belle to respond. Belle flops on the ground, sobbing as her cheeks are red from embarrassment. What would the Doctor and her relationship be now? Would it be awkward when they see each other again—?

Her thoughts get cut off by the TARDIS's loud noise. The Doctor peaks his head out to see Belle on the ground, sniffling and shaking. She didn't expect to react like this after telling him she loved him.

From the TARDIS's door, Donna watches as the Doctor runs to Belle, scooping her up and hugging her. Belle sobs in his arms.

"Don't cry," he whispers in her ear, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I may not be at that stage yet, but now I know what's happened in the future... your past..."

Belle tries to calm down as they pull apart from the hug. Belle looks up at him.

"So what does this mean... for us?" Belle asks. The Doctor pauses.

"... take it slow? It wouldn't hurt to try... I sort of... took a fancy to you too..."

Belle nods as his sentence trails off. Those past three weeks with him have been great. She knew something had changed when it hit that last week, but she didn't expect him to...

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