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Isabelle Dunne wakes up happily in her bedroom. Today was a Sunday, one of her favourite days of the week. She gets up from her bed and makes it as she hears knocking on her door. Maverick Harwood stood on the other side.

"Doctor Who day?" Maverick shouts.

"Yeah!" Belle says, then opens the door. She sees seven year old Kaden with a breakfast tray, standing next to her.

"Oh, what's this?" Belle raises an eyebrow as she sees the tray. Kaden hands it to her.

"For you!" Kaden says. Maverick smiled.

"He helped make it," he said. "We can start watching the episode this morning if you want...?"

"I just remembered that Cece is coming over today to pick me up," Belle says. "Then after I come back we could watch some Doctor Who. Is that okay?"

Kaden frowns. "Why can't Cece join us?"

"We have a party to get to," says Belle. "But I'm sure CeCe would like to join some other time. Okay, bud?"

"Fine," Kaden sighs and turns to the left to go downstairs. Maverick gives a sympathetic look.

"Sometime in the future he will be doing that with us," Maverick states. Belle nods.

"Yeah. Sometime."


Cece wanted to join Belle, Maverick, and Kaden in watching Doctor Who. Belle was exhausted from the party, but she was also willing to watch two episodes with them.

"How was the party?" Maverick asked as the two came in, looking so tired.

"It was amazing, but I am really tired all of a sudden," Belle says. Cece nods.

"Yeah," Cece says, "but I came over because I wanted to ask Kaden if we could watch some Doctor Who–?"

"YES!" shouts Kaden, raising his fist in the air. "I knew it! Thank you, Cece!"

"Of course," Cece smiles as Kaden rushes to give her a hug. They spot that the show is already up and ready to go. It's on the episode 'Pandorica Opens.' One of Belle's favourite two parter episode.

Belle flops down on the couch, her head facing the ceiling. "Long day," she sighs. Cece joins her happily, acting like her and putting her head on the pillows, facing the ceiling. Belle sees Kaden's head popping over hers to make fun of her.

"Hiya squirt," Belle giggles as he bops her nose. Maverick gets food from the pantry. Kaden looks like he's about to say something, but Maverick interrupts him.


"Yes please!" Kaden perks up.

"I'll wait a little to have mine," Belle exclaims. Cece nods.

"I had a lot of food at that party!"

Belle nods. "Yeah. But it was delicious. Tell Stacy I said thanks for inviting us!"

"I will," Cece smiles brightly.


The household reaches close to the end of 'The Big Bang' when something pauses the television. Kaden yells.

"Hey!" Kaden shouts. "Belle, did you-?"

They hear the sound of the TARDIS whirring into the room. Papers and things go flying as Cece and the rest of the team have their mouths hanging open.


Belle slaps a hand on Cece's mouth so Kaden couldn't hear the curse word.

"Belle, is that what I think it is?"

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