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Fires of Pompeii

"You remind me of Donna when it was her wedding day," the Doctor mutters as Belle sits and waits for Donna to come back.

"What happened?" Belle asks.

"She was sent here on purpose. Had particles in her that took her to where the TARDIS was," he explains. "That's how we met."

"She was sent here by particles?"

"Yes," the Doctor says. "Didn't want to come on her own. It was her wedding day, of course. Who wouldn't want to leave on their wedding day?"

"People who aren't in love with each other," Belle says, arms crossed. The Doctor rolls his eyes.

"Can you just get over it?" The Doctor asks Belle. She opens her mouth, about to say something when he interrupts her. "I will send you home, but on one deal."

"And the deal is?" Belle says, looking up at him. "If you go on a trip with Donna and I. Her first one living with me, and your first AND last one."

"And if you leave me again I will never forgive you," Belle tells him. The Doctor nods.

"Do we have a deal, Miss...?"

"Dunne. Isabelle Dunne."

"Since I didn't properly introduce myself, I'll do it now. I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?" Belle asks. "Donna never really explained..."

"I don't give out my name. My real name. I do have one from the academy I went to, but I never reveal it to anyone."

"Even to people like Donna?"

"Oi. Are the two of you talking about me?" Donna says, coming in. "And actually being civil for once?"

"She hasn't said we have a deal yet," the Doctor says, looking at her. She hadn't gotten up yet to shake his hand. He could tell she was being hesitant.

"Fine," she finally gets up. His eyebrows raise. Donna watches as Belle shakes his hand.

"Your hand is surprisingly warm," she comments.

"I lost this hand in a battle once," he tells her, "regrew it because of the regeneration."

Donna and Belle give him looks. He stares back at him. "What, you're surprised?"

"A battle?" Belle repeated. He nodded.

"Should've been there," he winked at Belle.

"I would've if you hadn't been so angry at me," Belle growled at him. Donna puts a hand on her shoulder.

"If you made a deal with him, I want you to make a deal with me, mate," Donna tells Belle, giving the Doctor the side eye, remembering the conversation from earlier. "You two try to be nice to each other, and not fight."

"It'll be hard not to, because look at that face!" Belle spat.

"Oi!" The Doctor says, offended again. "We made a deal! Forget about it!"

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